Overview of the events of 1732 in music
This is a list of notable events in music that took place in the year 1732.
- Michel Blavet – 6 Flute Sonatas, Op. 2
- Joseph Bodin de Boismortier
- 5 Sonates en trio suivies d'un concerto, Op. 37
- 2 Sérénades en trois parties, Op. 39
- 6 Sonates suivies d'un nombre de pièces, Op. 40
- Esprit Philippe Chédeville – Recueils de vaudevilles, menuets, contredanses et autres airs choisis pour la musette (Paris)
- Philibert Delavigne – Sonates pour la Musette, Vielle, Flute-a-bec, Traversiere, Hautbois etc. avec la Basse (6 Sonatas), Op. 2 (Paris)
- Francesco Geminiani – 6 Concertos, Opp. 3 and 4
- George Frideric Handel – Solos for a German Flute a Hoboy or Violin with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Bass Violin Compos'd by Mr. Handel (London: John Walsh) (second edition: "Note: This is more Corect [sic] than the former Edition")
- Pietro Locatelli – 12 Flute Sonatas, Op. 2
- Johann Joachim Quantz – 6 Sonatas for two flutes, Op. 2
- Georg Philipp Telemann
- 36 Fantaisies pour le clavessin, TWV 33:1-36
- Continuation des Sonates Méthodiques, TWV 41
- January 2 – František Brixi, composer (died 1771)
- January 24 – Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
- February 18 – Johann Christian Kittel, composer (died 1809)
- February 19 – Richard Cumberland, librettist (died 1811)
- February 21 – William Falconer, poet (died 1769)
- March 31 – Joseph Haydn, composer (died 1809)
- May 17 – Francesco Pasquale Ricci, composer (died 1817)
- June 7
- June 21 – Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach, composer, son of Johann Sebastian Bach (died 1795)
- September 1 – Thomas Erskine, 6th Earl of Kellie, composer (died 1781)
- October 6 – John Broadwood, founder of firm of piano makers (died 1812)
- Date unknown – Heinrich Ernst Grosmann, composer (died 1811)