24 April – Convention with the Netherlands allowing steamships on the Ghent–Terneuzen Canal signed in The Hague.[4]
May-October – Embroiderer Joseph Van Halle exhibits "Church ornaments and Brussels lace" at the Great Exhibition in London.[5][6] The Belgian ambassador, Sylvain Van de Weyer, was consulted to ensure that the display of ecclesiastical vestments was arranged in such a way as not to offend Protestant sensibilities.[7]
8 May – Convention with The Netherlands abolishing tolls on the Meuse signed in Brussels.[8]
Henri Alexis Brialmont, Considérations politiques et militaires sur la Belgique, vols. 1-2 (Brussels, M. Hayez)[19]
G. Lacambre, Traité complet de la fabrication des bières et de la distillation des grains, pommes de terre, vins, betteraves, mélasses, etc. (Brussels, Librairie Polytechnique d'Aug. Decq)[20]