Based on Sitaharan Rahasya and Khunkharapi, a film was released in 2013 named Arjun: Kalimpong E Sitaharan..[4][5] A Hindi tele-serial was released as Jungle Ki Gaherai Mey, based on Arjun novel, Derdin. Kaushik Sen played the role of Arjun.
On 18 July 2022, Radio Mirchi Kolkata (98.3 MHz) station aired the story "Der Din" on the Sunday Suspense show. The character of Arjun was voiced by Indrashish Roy.
In March 2023, Radio Mirchi Kolkata (98.3 MHz) station aired the story "Jutoy Rokter Daag" on the Sunday Suspense show. The character of Arjun was voiced by Deep Basu.
In June 2023, Radio Mirchi Kolkata (98.3 MHz) station aired the story "Kalimpong ey Sitaharan" on the Sunday Suspense show. The character of Arjun was voiced by Mirchi Agni.