This bibliography of anthropology lists some notable publications in the field of anthropology , including its various subfields. It is not comprehensive and continues to be developed. It also includes a number of works that are not by anthropologists but are relevant to the field, such as literary theory, sociology, psychology, and philosophical anthropology.
Anthropology is the study of humanity .[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] Described as "the most humanistic of sciences and the most scientific of the humanities",[ 4] it is considered to bridge the natural sciences , social sciences and humanities ,[ 5] and draws upon a wide range of related fields. In North America, anthropology is traditionally divided into four major subdisciplines: biological anthropology , sociocultural anthropology , linguistic anthropology and archaeology .[ 6] [ 7] Other academic traditions use less broad definitions, where one or more of these fields are considered separate, but related, disciplines.[ 8] [ 9]
Sociocultural anthropology [ edit ]
Chronological bibliography [ edit ]
From the beginnings to 1899 [ edit ]
Georg Forster , A Voyage Round the World , 1777[ 10] : 28–29
Immanuel Kant , Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View , 1798
Jacob Burckhardt , The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy , 1860
Johann Jakob Bachofen , Myth, Religion, and Mother Right: Selected Writings of J.J. Bachofen , 1861 (English translation: 1967)
Edward Burnett Tylor , Primitive Culture , 1871[ 10] : 116
Lewis H. Morgan , Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family (1871), Ancient Society , 1877
John Wesley Powell , The Arid Lands (originally published as Report on the Lands of the Arid Regions of the United States ), 1878[ 10] : 39
Adolf Bastian , Der Völkergedanke im Aufbau einer Wissenschaft vom Menschen , 1881 (German; not yet translated into English)[ 10] : 86–87
Friedrich Engels , The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State , 1884
Anténor Firmin , The Equality of the Human Races , 1885
James George Frazer , The Golden Bough , 1890[ 11]
Edvard Westermarck , The History of Human Marriage , 1891[ 10] : 163
James Mooney , The Ghost-dance religion and the Sioux outbreak of 1890. US Bureau of American Ethnology , 1892-3 Annual Report, 2 vols., 1896.
Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss , A General Theory of Magic , 1902 (republished by Mauss in 1950)
Émile Durkheim , Primitive Classification , 1903[ 11]
Max Weber , The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism , 1905 (English translation: 1930)
Arnold van Gennep , The Rites of Passage , 1909
Lucien Lévy-Bruhl , How Natives Think , 1910
Franz Boas , The Mind of Primitive Man , 1911
Fritz Graebner , Methode der Ethnologie , 1911 (in German, not yet translated into English)
Émile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life , 1912[ 11]
Sigmund Freud , Totem and Taboo , 1913
W. H. R. Rivers , Kinship and Social Organisation , 1914
Max Weber, The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism , 1915 (English translation: 1951)
Bronisław Malinowski , Argonauts of the Western Pacific , 1922[ 12]
Alfred Radcliffe-Brown , The Andaman Islanders , 1922
W. H. R. Rivers, Medicine, Magic and Religion , 1924
Marcel Mauss, The Gift , 1925
Maurice Halbwachs , On Collective Memory , 1925
Franz Boas , Primitive Art , 1927[ 11]
Bronisław Malinowski, Sex and Repression in Savage Society , 1927
Margaret Mead , Coming of Age in Samoa , 1928
Franz Boas, Anthropology and Modern Life , 1928
Richard Thurnwald , Die menschliche Gesellschaft in ihren ethnosoziologischen Grundlagen , 1931–35 (German; not yet translated into English)
Ruth Benedict , Patterns of Culture , 1934[ 11] [ 13]
Robert Lowie , The Crow Indians , 1935
Zora Neale Hurston , Mules and Men , 1935
Bronisław Malinowski, Coral Gardens and Their Magic: A Study of the Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands , 1935
E. E. Evans-Pritchard , Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande , 1937 (abridged edition published in 1976)[ 11] [ 12]
Leo Frobenius , African Genesis: Folk Tales and Myths of Africa , 1937
Johan Huizinga , Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture , 1938
Jomo Kenyatta , Facing Mount Kenya , 1938
Zora Neale Hurston, Tell My Horse , 1938
Wilhelm Schmidt , The Culture Historical Method of Ethnology , 1939
Franz Boas, Race, Language and Culture , 1940[ 11]
E. E. Evans-Pritchard, The Nuer , 1940[ 12]
Meyer Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard, African Political Systems , 1940
Melville J. Herskovits , The Myth of The Negro Past , 1941
Karl Polanyi , The Great Transformation , 1944
Ruth Benedict, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword , 1946[ 11]
Ernesto de Martino , Il mondo magico: Prolegomeni allo studio del magismo , 1948
Fei Xiaotong , From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society , 1948 (English translation: 1992)
Clyde Kluckhohn , Mirror for Man: The Relation of Anthropology to Modern Life , 1949
Tarak Chandra Das , Bengal Famine(1943) : As Revealed in a Survey of the Destitutes in Calcutta , 1949
Alfred L. Kroeber , The Nature of Culture , 1952
Laura Bohannan , Return to Laughter , 1954[ 12]
Edmund Leach , Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure , 1954
Claude Lévi-Strauss , Tristes Tropiques , 1955[ 12]
Ralph Linton , The Tree of Culture , 1955 (posthumously)
Julian Steward , Theory of Culture Change: The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution , 1955
E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Nuer Religion , 1956[ 11]
Georges Balandier , Ambiguous Africa: Cultures in Collision , 1957
Richard Hoggart , The Uses of Literacy: Aspects of Working-Class Life , 1957
Leslie White , The Evolution of Culture: The Development of Civilization to the Fall of Rome , 1959
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology , 1958
Raymond Williams , Culture and Society , 1958
Alfred Métraux , Voodoo in Haiti , 1958
Fredrik Barth , Political Leadership Among Swat Pathans , 1959
C. P. Snow , The Two Cultures , 1959
R. G. Lienhardt , Divinity and Experience: the Religion of the Dinka , 1961[ 12]
Robert Lowie, Empathy: Or 'Seeing from Within' , 1960
Frantz Fanon , The Wretched of the Earth , 1961 (English translation: 1963)
Colin Turnbull , The Forest People , 1961
Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Savage Mind , 1962 (English translation: 1966)
Clifford Geertz , Agricultural Involution: The Processes of Ecological Change in Indonesia , 1963
Peter Worsley , The Third World , 1964
Max Gluckman , Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society , 1965
Mary Douglas , Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo , 1966[ 11]
Louis Dumont , Homo Hierarchicus , 1966[ 12]
George Devereux , From Anxiety to Method in the Behavioral Sciences , 1967
Victor Turner , The Forest of Symbols , 1967[ 12]
Napoleon Chagnon , Yanomamö: The Fierce People , 1968[ 11]
Joseph Campbell , The Flight of the Wild Gander , 1968
Fredrik Barth, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries , 1969
Victor Turner, The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure , 1969
Mary Douglas, Natural Symbols , 1970
Gregory Bateson , Steps to an Ecology of Mind , 1972
H. R. Bernard and P. J. Pelto, Technology and Social Change , 1972[ 12]
Pierre Bourdieu , Outline of a Theory of Practice , 1972[ 12]
Clifford Geertz , The Interpretation of Cultures , 1973 (including "Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight ")[ 13] [ 12]
Ernest Becker , The Denial of Death , 1973
Giulio Angioni , Tre saggi sull'antropologia dell'età coloniale , 1973
Talal Asad , Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter , 1973[ 12]
Marshall Sahlins , Stone Age Economics , 1974
Pierre Clastres , Society Against the State , 1974
John W. Cole and Eric Wolf, The Hidden Frontier: Ecology and Ethnicity in an Alpine Valley , 1974 (republished in 1999 with a new introduction by Eric Wolf)
Henri Lefebvre , The Production of Space , 1974 (English translation: 1991)
Claude Meillassoux , Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community , 1975 (English translation: 1981)
Michel de Certeau , The Writing of History , 1975 (English translation: 1988)
Cornelius Castoriadis , The Imaginary Institution of Society , 1975
Roy Wagner , The Invention of Culture , 1975
Edward T. Hall , Beyond Culture , 1976
Marshall Sahlins, Culture and Practical Reason , 1976
Giulio Angioni, Sa laurera: il lavoro contadino in Sardegna , 1976
Marvin Harris , Cannibals and Kings , 1977
Jack Goody , The Domestication of the Savage Mind , 1977
Jeanne Favret-Saada , Les Mots, la mort, les sorts : la sorcellerie dans le bocage , 1977 (Deadly Words: Witchcraft in the Bocage , 1980)
Paul Rabinow , Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco , 1977
Hans Peter Duerr , Dreamtime: Concerning the Boundary between Wilderness and Civilization
Edward Said , Orientalism , 1978
Marvin Harris, Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture , 1979
Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar , Laboratory Life , 1979
Steven Feld , Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weepings, Poetics and Sound in Kaluli Expression , 1982
Michelle Rosaldo , Knowledge and Passion: Notions of Self and Society among the Ilongot , 1980[ 12]
Lila Abu-Lughod , Veiled Sentiments , 1986
Ulf Hannerz , Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology , 1980
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson , Metaphors We Live By , 1980
Eric Wolf, Europe and the People Without History , 1982
Maurice Godelier , The Making of Great Men , 1982
Nigel Barley , The Innocent Anthropologist: Notes From a Mud Hut , 1983
Benedict Anderson , Imagined Communities , 1983[ 11]
Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger (editors), The Invention of Tradition , 1983
Johannes Fabian , Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its Object , 1983
Louis Dumont, Essays on Individualism: Modern Ideology in Anthropological Perspective , 1983
Clifford Geertz , Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology , 1983
Ernest Gellner , Nations and Nationalism , 1983
Jack Goody, The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe , 1983
Maurice Godelier, The Mental and the Material , 1984
Sidney Mintz , Sweetness and Power , 1985
James Clifford and George Marcus (editors), Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography , 1986
Philippe Descola , La Nature domestique : symbolisme et praxis dans l'écologie des Achuar , 1986
Clifford Geertz , Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author , 1988
Samir Amin , Eurocentrism , 1988
David Kertzer , Ritual, Politics, and Power , 1988
James Clifford, The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art , 1988
Bruce Kapferer , Legends of People, Myths of State , 1988
Adam Kuper , The Invention of Primitive Society: Transformations of an Illusion , 1988 (republished as an expanded and revised new edition, entitled The Reinvention of Primitive Society: Transformations of a Myth in 2005)
Marilyn Strathern , The Gender of the Gift: Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia , 1988
Brackette F. Williams , "A Class Act: Anthropology and the Race to Nation Across Ethnic Terrain", 1989
James Ferguson , The Anti-Politics Machine: "Development", Depoliticization and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho , 1990
Judith Butler , Gender Trouble , 1990
Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah , Magic, Science and Religion and the Scope of Rationality , 1990
Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern , 1991 (English translation: 1993)
Donna Haraway , Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature , 1991
Donald Brown , Human Universals , 1991
Helena Norberg-Hodge , Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh , 1991
Sharlotte Neely , Snowbird Cherokees , 1991
Jan Assmann , Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imagination , 1992 (English translation: 2011)
Marc Augé , Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity , 1992
Maurice Bloch , Prey into Hunter: The Politics of Religious Experience , 1992
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro , From the Enemy's Point of View: Humanity and Divinity in an Amazonian Society , 1992
Jeremy Coote and A. Shelton (eds), Anthropology, Art and Esthetics , 1992[ 12]
Mary Douglas, Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory , 1992[ 11]
Annette B. Weiner, Inalienable Possessions: The Paradox of Keeping-While-Giving , 1992.
Michael Taussig , Mimesis and Alterity: A Particular History of the Senses , 1993
Fredrik Barth, Balinese Worlds , 1993
Homi K. Bhabha , The Location of Culture , 1994
Bernard Stiegler , Technics and Time
Michel-Rolph Trouillot , Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History , 1995
John Brockman , The Third Culture , 1995
Italo Pardo, Managing Existence in Naples: Morality, Action and Structure , 1996
Raymond Firth , Religion: A Humanist Interpretation , 1996
Jack Goody, The East in the West , 1996
Hugh Gusterson , Nuclear Rites: a Weapons Laboratory at the End of the Cold War , 1996
Arjun Appadurai , Modernity at Large , 1996
Anne Fadiman , The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down , 1997[ 14]
James Clifford, Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century , 1997
Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson, Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science , 1997
Jeremy Narby , The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge , 1998
Stefan Helmreich, Silicon Second Nature: Culturing Artificial Life in a Digital World , 1998
Aihwa Ong , Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality , 1999
Sally Merry, Colonizing Hawai'i: The cultural power of law , 2000
Clifford Geertz, Available Light: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics , 2000
Gordon Mathews, Global Culture/Individual Identity: Searching for Home in the Cultural Supermarket , 2000
Tim Ingold , The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill , 2000
Frans de Waal , The Ape and the Sushi Master , 2001
William Ray, The Logic of Culture: Authority and Identity in the Modern Era , 2001
Vassos Argyrou, Anthropology and the Will to Meaning: A Postcolonial Critique , 2002
Jone Salomonsen, Enchanted Feminism: The Reclaiming Witches of San Francisco , 2002
Talal Asad , Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity , 2003
Jean Rouch , Cine-Ethnography , 2003
Theodore C. Bestor , Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World , 2004
Janet Carsten, After Kinship , 2004[ 12]
Aihwa Ong and Stephen J. Collier, Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems , 2004
Anna L. Tsing , Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection , 2005
Marcel Detienne , The Greeks and Us: A Comparative Anthropology of Ancient Greece , 2005 (English translation: 2007)
Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan , Anthropology and development. Understanding contemporary social change , 2005
Nicholas Wade , Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors , 2006
Guha Abhijit , Land, Law, and the Left: the Saga of Disempowerment of the Peasantry in the Era of Globalisation]] 2007[ 15]
Philippe Descola, Beyond Nature and Culture , 2005 (English translation: 2013)
Paige West , Conservation is our Government now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea , 2006
Veena Das , Life and Words: Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary , 2007
Andrew Apter , Beyond Words: Discourse and Critical Agency in Africa , 2007
Paul Rabinow, Marking Time: On the Anthropology of the Contemporary , 2008
Eugene S. Hunn , A Zapotec Natural History , 2008
Johannes Fabian, Ethnography as Commentary: Writing from the Virtual Archive , 2008
Stefan Helmreich, Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas , 2009
Giuliana B. Prato (editor), Beyond Multiculturalism , 2009
Neni Panourgiá, Dangerous Citizens: The Greek Left and the Terror of the State , 2009
Philippe Bourgeois and Jeff Schonberg, Righteous Dopefiend , 2009
Margaret Lock and Vinh-Kim Nguyen, An Anthropology of Biomedicine , 2010
Ulf Hannerz, Anthropology's World: Life in a Twenty-First Century Discipline , 2010
Jesús Padilla Gálvez , Philosophical Anthropology. Wittgenstein's Perspective . Berlin, De Gruyter, 2010. ISBN 9783110321555 [1] Review [2]
David Graeber , Debt: The First 5000 Years , 2011
Tim Ingold , Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description , 2011
Alan Barnard, Social Anthropology and Human Origins , 2011
James D. Faubion, An Anthropology of Ethics , 2011
Maurice Bloch, Anthropology and the Cognitive Challenge , 2012
Jason Ānanda Josephson , The Invention of Religion in Japan, 2012
Neil L. Whitehead and Michael Wesch (editors) Human No More: Digital Subjectivities, Unhuman Subjects, and the End of Anthropology , 2012
Eduardo Kohn , How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human , 2013
Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato, Legitimacy. Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights , 2018
Thematic bibliography [ edit ]
General introductions and histories [ edit ]
Eric Wolf , Anthropology , 1964
Adam Kuper, Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School , 1973 (3rd revised and enlarged edition, 1996)
Peter Just and John Monaghan, Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction , 2000
Alan Barnard, History and Theory in Anthropology , 2000
Thomas Hylland Eriksen , What is Anthropology? , 2004
Aleksandar Bošković , Other People's Anthropologies: Ethnographic Practice on the Margins , 2008
John S. Gilkeson, Anthropologists and the Rediscovery of America, 1886–1965 , 2010
Fredrik Barth, Andre Gingrich, Robert Parkin, and Sydel Silverman, One Discipline, Four Ways: British, German, French, and American Anthropology (The Halle Lectures), 2005
Arnold van Gennep, The Rites of Passage , 1909
Émile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life , 1912[ 11]
Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo , 1913
Erving Goffman , Interaction Ritual , 1967
Victor Turner, The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure , 1969
David Kertzer, Ritual, Politics, and Power , 1988
Bruce Kapferer, A Celebration of Demons , 1991
Catherine Bell , Rituals : Perspectives and Dimensions , 1997
Mario Perniola , Ritual Thinking: Sexuality, Death, World , 2000
Philippe Buc , The Dangers of Ritual: Between Early Medieval Texts and Social Scientific Theory , 2001
Robert N. McCauley and E. Thomas Lawson , Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms , 2002
Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright (editors), Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice , 2008
Sherry Turkle , The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit , 1984
Arturo Escobar , "Welcome to Cyberia: Notes on the Anthropology of Cyberculture", 1994
Sherry Turkle , Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet , 1995
Stefan Helmreich, Silicon Second Nature: Culturing Artificial Life in a Digital World , 1998
Tom Boellstorff , Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human , 2008
Bonnie Nardi , My Life as a Night Elf Priest. An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft , 2010. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Daniel Miller , Tales from Facebook , 2011
Alexander Knorr, Cyberanthropology (in German ), 2011
Neil L. Whitehead and Michael Wesch (editors) Human No More: Digital Subjectivities, Unhuman Subjects, and the End of Anthropology , 2012
Christine Hine , Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday , 2015. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Design anthropology [ edit ]
Wendy Gunn and Jared Donovan (eds), Design and Anthropology , 2012[ 16] [ 17]
Wendy Gunn, Ton Otto and Rachel Charlotte Smith (eds), Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice , 2013[ 18] [ 19]
Ecological anthropology [ edit ]
Julian Steward, Theory of Culture Change: The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution , 1955
William Balée , Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of People and Their Landscapes , 2014
Economic anthropology [ edit ]
Marcel Mauss, The Gift , 1925
Karl Polanyi , The Great Transformation , 1944
Marshall Sahlins, Stone Age Economics , 1974
Claude Meillassoux, Maidens, Meal and Money , 1975
Italo Pardo, Managing Existence in Naples , 1996
Karen Ho , Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street , 2009
David Graeber , Debt: The First 5000 Years , 2011
Chris Hann and Keith Hart , Economic Anthropology: History, Ethnography, Critique , 2011
Political anthropology [ edit ]
Meyer Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard , African Political Systems , 1940
James C. Scott , Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance , 1985
Italo Pardo (ed.), Morals of Legitimacy: Between Agency and System , 2000
Ted Lewellen, Political Anthropology: An Introduction , 2003
Italo Pardo (ed.), Between Morality and the Law: Corruption, Anthropology and Comparative Society, 2004
Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato (eds). Citizenship and the Legitimacy f Governance , 2016
Psychological anthropology [ edit ]
Charles W. Nuckolls, The Cultural Dialectics of Knowledge and Desire. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996
Lindholm, Charles, Culture and Identity. The history, theory, and practice of psychological anthropology , 2007
Robert, LeVine, Psychological Anthropology: A Reader on Self in Culture , 2010
Ulf Hannerz , Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology , 1980
Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato (eds), Anthropology in the City: Methodology and Theory , 2016
Italo Pardo and Giulaina B. Prato (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Ethnography , 2017
Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato (editors), Urban Inequalities , 2021
Petra Kuppinger (editor), Emergent Spaces , 2022
Linguistic anthropology [ edit ]
Johann Gottfried Herder , Treatise on the Origin of Language , 1772
Wilhelm von Humboldt , On Language: On the Diversity of Human Language Construction and its Influence on the Mental Development of the Human Species , 1836
Edward Sapir , Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech , 1921
Benjamin Lee Whorf , Language, Thought and Reality , 1956 (published posthumously)
Roman Jakobson , On Linguistic Aspects of Translation , 1959
Lev Vygotsky , Thought and Language , 1962
Kenneth Lee Pike , Language in Relation to a Unified Theory of the Structure of Human Behaviour , 1967
Dell Hymes , Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach , 1974
Penny B. Brown & Stephen Levinson Politeness: some Universals in Language Use. (1978) 1987
John J. Gumperz Discourse Strategies, 1982.
Robert M. W. Dixon , The Rise and Fall of Languages , 1997
Guy Deutscher , The Unfolding of Language: The Evolution of Mankind's Greatest Invention , 2005
Biological anthropology [ edit ]
Biological anthropology is traditionally conceived of as part of the North American four-field approach. In some universities, however, the subject has repositioned itself as human evolutionary biology . In Europe, it is sometimes taught as an individual subject at college level or as part of the discipline of biology. Its methods are informed by evolutionary biology, hence the adjunct biological . Since 1993, the Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association has awarded the W.W. Howells Book Award in Biological Anthropology.[ 20]
Charles Darwin , On the Origin of Species , 1859[ 13]
Thomas Henry Huxley , Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature , 1863
Alfred Russel Wallace , The Malay Archipelago , 1869
Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex , 1871[ 13]
Rudolf Virchow , The Freedom of Science in the Modern States , 1877
Rudolf Virchow, Anthropological Papers , 1891
Desmond Morris , The Naked Ape , 1967
Jane Goodall , In the Shadow of Man , 1971
Richard Dawkins , The Selfish Gene , 1976
E. O. Wilson , On Human Nature , 1979
Stephen Jay Gould , The Mismeasure of Man , 1981
Wade Davis , The Serpent and the Rainbow , 1985
Robert Boyd and Peter J. Richerson , Culture and the Evolutionary Process , 1985
Jared Diamond , The Third Chimpanzee , 1991
Helen Fisher , Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray , 1992
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel , 1998[ 21]
E. O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge , 1998
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy , Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants and Natural Selection , 1999[ 20]
Paul Farmer , Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor , 2003
Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed , 2005
Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd, Not by Genes Alone , 2005
Dorothy Cheney and Robert Seyfarth, Baboon Metaphysics , 2007
Steven Pinker , The Stuff of Thought: Language As a Window Into Human Nature , 2007[ 21]
Michael Tomasello , Origins of Human Communication , 2008
Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending , The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilizations Accelerated Human Evolution , 2009
Richard Wrangham , Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human , 2009[ 21]
Jared Diamond, The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? , 2012[ 21]
E. O. Wilson, The Social Conquest of Earth , 2012
Frans de Waal , The Bonobo and the Atheist , 2013[ 21]
Archaeological anthropology is traditionally conceived of as part of the North American four-field approach. With the four-field approach being questioned for its orthodoxy, the subject has gained considerable independence in recent years and some archaeologists have rejected the label anthropology . In Europe, the subject maintains closer connections to history and is simply conceived of as archaeology with a distinct research focus and methodology.
C. W. Ceram , Gods, Graves and Scholars , 1949
Steven Mithen , The Prehistory of the Mind: The Cognitive Origins of Art, Religion and Science , 1996
Julian Thomas , Time, Culture and Identity: An Interpretive Archaeology , 1996
Chris Gosden, Archaeology & Anthropology: A Changing Relationship , 1999
Richard Bradley , An Archaeology of Natural Places , 2000
Alison Wylie , Thinking from Things: Essays in the Philosophy of Archaeology , 2002
Randall H. McGuire , Archaeology as Political Action , 2008
Archaeological theory [ edit ]
Hawkes, Christopher (1954). "Archeological Theory and Method: Some Suggestions from the Old World" . American Anthropologist . 56 (2): 155– 168. doi :10.1525/aa.1954.56.2.02a00660 .
Binford, Lewis R. (1962). "Archaeology as Anthropology". American Antiquity . 28 (2): 217– 225. doi :10.2307/278380 . JSTOR 278380 . S2CID 162242910 .
Binford, Sally R. ; Binford, Lewis R. , eds. (1968). New Perspectives in Archeology . Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-202-33022-8 .
Clarke, David L. (1968). Analytical Archaeology . London: Methuen. ISBN 0-416-42850-9 .
Clarke, David L. , ed. (1972). Models in Archaeology . London: Methuen. ISBN 0-416-16540-0 .
Clarke, David L. (1973). "Archaeology: the loss of innocence". Antiquity . 47 (185): 6– 18. doi :10.1017/S0003598X0003461X . S2CID 34438511 .
Binford, Lewis R. , ed. (1977). For Theory Building in Archaeology . New York, NY: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-100050-9 .
Hodder, Ian , ed. (1982). Symbolic and Structural Archaeology . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-03550-7 .
Shanks, Michael ; Tilley, Christopher (1993). Social Theory and Archaeology . Oxford: Polity Press. ISBN 978-0-7456-0184-7 .
McGuire, Randall G. (1992). A Marxist Archaeology . San Diego, CA: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-484078-2 .
Renfrew, Colin ; Zubrow, Ezra B.W., eds. (1994). The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archaeology . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-45620-3 .
Tilley, Christopher (1997). A Phenomenology of Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments . Oxford: Berg. ISBN 978-1-85973-076-8 .
Anthropological research has exerted considerable influence on other disciplines such as sociology , literary theory , and philosophy . Conversely, contemporary anthropological discourse has become receptive to a wide variety of theoretical currents which in turn help to shape the cognitive identity of the subjects. Among the key publications from related disciplines that have advanced anthropological scholarship are:
^ "What is Anthropology?" . American Anthropological Association . Retrieved 17 March 2013 .
^ "History and Mission" . Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland . Retrieved 17 March 2013 .
^ "L'Anthropologie" . Association Française des Anthropologues. Archived from the original on 9 November 2012. Retrieved 17 March 2013 .
^ "What is Anthropology?" . Discover Anthropology . Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Retrieved 17 March 2013 .
^ Shore, Bradd (2011). "Unconsilience: Rethinking the Two-Cultures Conundrum in Anthropology". In Edward Slingerland and Mark Collard (ed.). Creating consilience: integrating the sciences and the humanities . New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 140– 158. ISBN 978-0-19-979439-3 .
^ Boas, Franz (1904). "The History of Anthropology" . Science . 20 (512): 513– 524. Bibcode :1904Sci....20..513B . doi :10.1126/science.20.512.513 . PMID 17797024 .
^ Segal, Daniel A.; Yanagisako, Sylvia J., eds. (2005). Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology . Durham: Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0-8223-8684-1 .
^ Kuper, Adam (1996). Anthropology and Anthropologists: the Modern British School (3rd ed.). London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-11895-8 .
^ Wulf, Christoph (2013). Anthropology: A Continental Perspective . Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-92507-3 .
^ a b c d e Kuklick 2008
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Jones 2010
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^ "Buy Land, Law and the Left: Saga of Disempowerment of the Peasantry in the Era of Globalisation Book Online at Low Prices in India | Land, Law and the Left: Saga of Disempowerment of the Peasantry in the Era of Globalisation Reviews & Ratings -" .
^ Pink, Sarah (2014-01-02). "Design and anthropology". Visual Studies . 29 (1): 109– 110. doi :10.1080/1472586X.2014.863023 . ISSN 1472-586X . S2CID 146709063 .
^ Samuelsson, Marcus. "Book Review: Wendy Gunn and Jared Donovan (eds), Design and AnthropologyGunnWendyDonovanJared (eds), Design and Anthropology. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. 284 pp. ISBN 9781409421580 (hbk) £65.00". Qualitative Research . 15 (1): 125– 126. doi :10.1177/1468794114520889 . S2CID 147646929 .
^ Magee, Siobhan (2015-11-01). "Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice". Journal of Design History . 28 (4): epv032. doi :10.1093/jdh/epv032 . ISSN 0952-4649 .
^ Foster, Nancy Fried (2015-08-01). "Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice. Wendy Gunn, Ton Otto, and Rachel Charlotte Smith, eds. London: PB - Bloomsbury , 2013. 284 pp". American Ethnologist . 42 (3): 566– 567. doi :10.1111/amet.26_12146 . ISSN 1548-1425 .
^ a b "W. W. Howells Book Award" . 2014-01-19. Retrieved 14 September 2016 .
^ a b c d e "Suggested readings" . Anthropology . University College London. Retrieved 15 September 2016 .
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