List of elections featuring Ralph Nader as a candidate
Electoral history of Ralph Nader, an American attorney, author, lecturer, political activist, and candidate for President of the United States in four elections.
1972 Democratic National Convention (Vice Presidential tally):[1]
1992 Republican New Hampshire primary:[2]
(*) - write-in candidate
Listed only those who won over 1% of votes
1992 Democratic New Hampshire Vice Presidential primary:[3]
(*) - write-in candidate
1996 Peace and Freedom Party California Presidential primary:[4]
1996 Reform Party Presidential primaries:[5]
1996 Libertarian Party Presidential primaries:[6]
1996 Green Party Presidential primaries:[7]
- Ralph Nader - 23,625 (97.91%)
- Mary Cal Hollis - 395 (1.64%)
- Uncommitted - 110 (0.46%)
1996 Green Party National Convention (Presidential tally):[8]
1996 United States presidential election
- Bill Clinton/Al Gore (D) (inc.) - 47,400,125 (49.3%) and 379 electoral votes (31 states and D.C. carried)
- Bob Dole/Jack Kemp (R) - 39,198,755 (40.7%) and 159 electoral votes (19 states carried)
- Ross Perot/Pat Choate (Reform) - 8,085,402 (8.4%)
- Ralph Nader (Green) - 685,297 (0.7%)
- Harry Browne/Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian) - 485,798 (0.5%)
- Howard Phillips/Herb Titus (Taxpayers) - 184,820 (0.1%)
- John Hagelin/Michael Tompkins (Natural Law) - 113,670 (0.1%)
- Others - 121,534 (0.01%)
2000 California Presidential primary for independent voters:[9]
- John McCain (R) - 791,864 (38.03%)
- Al Gore (G) - 454,629 (21.84%)
- George W. Bush (R) - 443,304 (21.29%)
- Bill Bradley (D) - 159,772 (7.67%)
- Ralph Nader (G) - 89,210 (4.29%)
- Alan Keyes (R) - 57,695 (2.77%)
- Donald Trump (Ref.) - 14,597 (0.70%)
- Harry Browne (LBT) - 11,973 (0.58%)
- George D. Weber (Ref.) - 9,173 (0.44%)
- Steve Forbes (R) - 6,035 (0.29%)
- Howard Phillips (American Independent) - 5,957 (0.29%)
- John Hagelin (Natural Law) - 4,843 (0.23%)
- Joel Kovel (G) - 4,646 (0.22%)
- Robert M. Bowman (Ref.) - 4,587 (0.22%)
2000 Green Party Presidential primaries:[10]
2000 Green Party National Convention (Presidential tally):[11]
2000 Independence Party of New York Presidential Convention:[12]
2000 United States presidential election:
- George W. Bush/Dick Cheney (R) - 50,460,110 (47.9%) and 271 electoral votes (30 states carried)
- Al Gore/Joe Lieberman (D) - 51,003,926 (48.4%) and 266 electoral votes (20 states and D.C. carried)
- Abstaining - 1 electoral vote (D.C. faithless elector)
- Ralph Nader/Winona LaDuke (Green) - 2,883,105 (2.7%)
- Pat Buchanan/Ezola B. Foster (Reform) - 449,225 (0.4%)
- Harry Browne/Art Olivier (Libertarian) - 384,516 (0.4%)
- Howard Phillips/Curtis Frazier (Taxpayers) - 98,022 (0.1%)
- John Hagelin/Nat Goldhaber (Natural Law) - 83,702 (0.1%)
Minnesota Independence Party presidential caucus, 2004:[13]
2004 Reform Party National Convention (Presidential tally):[14]
2004 Green Party National Convention (Presidential tally):[15]
2004 Peace and Freedom Party National Convention (Presidential tally)':[16]
2004 Independence Party of New York Convention:[17]
2004 United States presidential election:
2008 California Peace and Freedom Party Presidential primary:[18]
2008 Green Party Presidential primaries:[19]
- Ralph Nader - 21,146 (53.04%)
- Cynthia McKinney - 11,520 (28.90%)
- Elaine Brown - 1,540 (3.86%)
- Kent P. Mesplay - 1,227 (3.08%)
- Kat Swift - 1,182 (2.97%)
- Jared Ball - 981 (2.46%)
- Jesse Johnson - 633 (1.59%)
- Howie Hawkins - 498 (1.25%)
- Uncommitted - 440 (1.10%)
- Write-in - 419 (1.05%)
- No preference - 194 (0.49%)
- No candidate - 68 (0.17%)
- Undecided - 20 (0.05%)
- None of the above - 1 (0.00%)
'2008 Vermont Liberty Union Party Presidential primary:[20]
2008 Connecticut for Lieberman Presidential caucus:[21]
2008 United States presidential election:
- ^ Our Campaigns - US Vice President - D Convention Race - Jul 10, 1972
- ^ Our Campaigns - NH US President - R Primary Race - Feb 18, 1992
- ^ Our Campaigns - US Vice President - D Primary Race - Feb 18, 1992
- ^ Our Campaigns - CA US President - PFP Primary Race - Mar 26, 1996
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - REF Primaries Race - Feb 27, 1996
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - LBT Primaries Race - Feb 20, 1996
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - G Primaries Race - Mar 26, 1996
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - G Convention Race - Aug 15, 1996
- ^ Our Campaigns - CA US President - I Primary Race - Mar 07, 2000
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - G Primaries Race - Mar 07, 2000
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - G Convention Race - Jun 24, 2000
- ^ Our Campaigns - NY US President - IDP Convention Race - Sep 24, 2000
- ^ Our Campaigns - MN US President - IP Caucus Race - Mar 02, 2004
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - REF Nomination Race - May 11, 2004
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - G Convention Race - Jun 23, 2004
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - PFP Convention Race - Jul 31, 2004
- ^ Our Campaigns - NY US President - IDP Convention Race - Sep 26, 2004
- ^ Our Campaigns - CA US President - PFP Primary Race - Feb 05, 2008
- ^ Our Campaigns - US President - GRN Primary Race - Feb 05, 2008
- ^ Our Campaigns - VT US President - Liberty Union Primary Race - Mar 04, 2008
- ^ Our Campaigns - CT US President - CFL Caucus Race - Mar 06, 2008