In 1249 he agreed to serve the count of Poitiers for a year on the Seventh Crusade. Hugh was killed on 6 April 1250 during the Battle of Fariskur, which was the last major battle of the Seventh Crusade. He was on crusade with Louis IX of France. His son Hugh XII succeeded him as Count of La Marche and Angoulême. [b]
^After Isabelle broke the betrothal to Hugh XI she broke a subsequent betrothal to Conrad IV of Germany.
^Hugh XI's wife Yolande survived him. Upon her death, her Breton entitlements reverted to the House of Dreux in the name of her brother, John I, Duke of Brittany. This effectively ended any significant future interaction of Hugh's XI's family with the Duchy of Brittany.
Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes 4th Ser. 2 (1856): 537–545.
Douet d’Arcq, Collection de Sceaux des Archives de l’Empire 1(1) (1863): 398 (seal of Hugues XI de Lusignan dated 1246 — Sceau équestre. Costume de chasse comme au sceau précédent. Legend: ……..VGONIS ……..; Revers. Écu burelé, à six lions rampants faisant l’orle brochant sur le tout. Legend: ……..M . HVGON……..), 398–399 (seal of Yolande, Countess of La Marche & Angoulême dated 1250 — La comtesse debout, vue de face et tenant un oiseau au poing. Legend: S. YOLENDIS : VXORIS : [D]NI : HVGONIS : .RVN; Contre-sceau. Écu burelé, à cinq lionceaux en orle brochant sur le tout. Legend: + SECRETVM . DNE . YOLENDIS :).
Delisle Chronologie Hist. des Comtes de la Marche (Bull. Société Archéologique et Hist. de la Charente) 4th Ser. 4 (1867): 3–16.
Duval, Cartulaire de l’Abbaye royale de Notre-Dame des Châtelliers (1872): 82–85 (testament of Hugues [X] de Lusignan dated 1248).
Inventaire Sommaire des Archives départmentales antérieures à 1790: Haute Vienne, Série H. Supp. (1884–7): 58.
La Porta, Les Gens de Qualité en Basse-Marche 1(2) (1886): 1–60 (Généalogie de Lusignan).
Cal.Patent Rolls, 1247–1258 (1908): 35 (Hugh le Brun, Count of Angoulême, styled "king’s brother" by King Henry III of England in 1249), 130, 175, 317 (Hugh, Count of La Marche, styled "king’s brother").
Recueil des Docs. de l’Abbaye de Fontaine-le-Comte (Société des archives historiques du Poitou 61) (1982): 82 (testament of Hugues [X] de Lusignan dated 1248).