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ISO 3166-2:MK

ISO 3166-2:MK is the entry for North Macedonia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

Currently for North Macedonia, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for 80 municipalities.

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is MK, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of North Macedonia. The second part is 3 digits.

Current codes


Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

Subdivision names are sorted in Macedonian alphabetical order after romanization (different from the original Cyrillic order used to assign codes): a-c, č, d-s, š, t-z, ž.

Click on the button in the header to sort each column.

Code Subdivision name (mk)
[note 1]
Subdivision name (mk)
(BGN/PCGN 2013)
MK-801 Аеродром Aerodrom
MK-802 Арачиново Aračinovo
MK-201 Берово Berovo
MK-501 Битола Bitola
MK-401 Богданци Bogdanci
MK-601 Боговиње Bogovinje
MK-402 Босилово Bosilovo
MK-602 Брвеница Brvenica
MK-803 Бутел Butel
MK-814 Центар Centar
MK-313 Центар Жупа Centar Župa
MK-815 Чаир Čair
MK-109 Чашка Čaška
MK-210 Чешиново-Облешево Češinovo-Obleševo
MK-816 Чучер-Сандево Čučer-Sandevo
MK-303 Дебар Debar
MK-304 Дебрца Debrca
MK-203 Делчево Delčevo
MK-502 Демир Хисар Demir Hisar
MK-103 Демир Капија Demir Kapija
MK-406 Дојран Dojran
MK-503 Долнени Dolneni
MK-804 Гази Баба Gazi Baba
MK-405 Гевгелија Gevgelija
MK-805 Ѓорче Петров Gjorče Petrov
MK-604 Гостивар Gostivar
MK-102 Градско Gradsko
MK-807 Илинден Ilinden
MK-606 Јегуновце Jegunovce
MK-205 Карбинци Karbinci
MK-808 Карпош Karpoš
MK-104 Кавадарци Kavadarci
MK-307 Кичево Kičevo
MK-809 Кисела Вода Kisela Voda
MK-206 Кочани Kočani
MK-407 Конче Konče
MK-701 Кратово Kratovo
MK-702 Крива Паланка Kriva Palanka
MK-504 Кривогаштани Krivogaštani
MK-505 Крушево Kruševo
MK-703 Куманово Kumanovo
MK-704 Липково Lipkovo
MK-105 Лозово Lozovo
MK-207 Македонска Каменица Makedonska Kamenica
MK-308 Македонски Брод Makedonski Brod
MK-607 Маврово и Ростуше Mavrovo i Rostuše
MK-506 Могила Mogila
MK-106 Неготино Negotino
MK-507 Новаци Novaci
MK-408 Ново Село Novo Selo
MK-310 Охрид Ohrid
MK-208 Пехчево Pehčevo
MK-810 Петровец Petrovec
MK-311 Пласница Plasnica
MK-508 Прилеп Prilep
MK-209 Пробиштип Probištip
MK-409 Радовиш Radoviš
MK-705 Ранковце Rankovce
MK-509 Ресен Resen
MK-107 Росоман Rosoman
MK-811 Сарај Saraj
MK-812 Сопиште Sopište
MK-706 Старо Нагоричане Staro Nagoričane
MK-312 Струга Struga
MK-410 Струмица Strumica
MK-813 Студеничани Studeničani
MK-108 Свети Николе Sveti Nikole
MK-211 Штип Štip
MK-817 Шуто Оризари Šuto Orizari
MK-608 Теарце Tearce
MK-609 Тетово Tetovo
MK-403 Валандово Valandovo
MK-404 Василево Vasilevo
MK-101 Велес Veles
MK-301 Вевчани Vevčani
MK-202 Виница Vinica
MK-603 Врапчиште Vrapčište
MK-806 Зелениково Zelenikovo
MK-204 Зрновци Zrnovci
MK-605 Желино Želino
  1. ^ For reference only, Macedonian name in Cyrillic script not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.



The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998. ISO stopped issuing newsletters in 2013.

Newsletter Date issued Description of change in newsletter Code/Subdivision change
Newsletter I-8 2007-04-17 Addition of the administrative subdivisions and of their code elements Subdivisions added:
84 municipalities
Newsletter I-9 2007-11-28 Addition of numeric code elements Codes:
format changed (see below)
Newsletter II-3 2011-12-13
Alphabetical re-ordering.

The following changes to the entry are listed on ISO's online catalogue, the Online Browsing Platform:

Effective date of change Short description of change (en)
2011-12-13 Alphabetical re-ordering.
2015-11-27 Deletion of municipalities MK-01, MK-09, MK-15, MK-17, MK-28, MK-29, MK-31, MK-38, MK-39, MK-57, MK-68, MK-77, MK-79, MK-84; deletion of remark; change romanization system; addition of municipality MK-85; update List Source
2019-03-13 Change of the short and full name: Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of) → North Macedonia; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia → Republic of North Macedonia
2020-03-02 Deletion of municipality MK-85; Change of subdivision code from MK-02 to MK-802, MK-03 to MK-201, MK-04 to MK-501, MK-05 to MK-401, MK-06 to MK-601, MK-07 to MK-402, MK-08 to MK-602, MK-10 to MK-403, MK-11 to MK-404, MK-12 to MK-301, MK-13 to MK-101, MK-14 to MK-202, MK-16 to MK-603, MK-18 to MK-405, MK-19 to MK-604, MK-20 to MK-102, MK-21 to MK-303, MK-22 to MK-304, MK-23 to MK-203, MK-24 to MK-103, MK-25 to MK-502, MK-26 to MK-406, MK-27 to MK-503, MK-30 to MK-605, MK-32 to MK-806, MK-33 to MK-204, MK-34 to MK-807, MK-35 to MK-606, MK-36 to MK-104, MK-37 to MK-205, MK-40 to MK-307, MK-41 to MK-407, MK-42 to MK-206, MK-43 to MK-701, MK-44 to MK-702, MK-45 to MK-504, MK-46 to MK-505, MK-47 to MK-703, MK-48 to MK-704, MK-49 to MK-105, MK-50 to MK-607, MK-51 to MK-207, MK-52 to MK-308, MK-53 to MK-506, MK-54 to MK-106, MK-55 to MK-507, MK-56 to MK-408, MK-58 to MK-310, MK-59 to MK-810, MK-60 to MK-208, MK-61 to MK-311, MK-62 to MK-508, MK-63 to MK-209, MK-64 to MK-409, MK-65 to MK-705, MK-66 to MK-509, MK-67 to MK-107, MK-69 to MK-108, MK-70 to MK-812, MK-71 to MK-706, MK-72 to MK-312, MK-73 to MK-410, MK-74 to MK-813, MK-75 to MK-608, MK-76 to MK-609, MK-78 to MK-313, MK-80 to MK-109, MK-81 to MK-210, MK-82 to MK-816, MK-83 to MK-211; Typographical correction of subdivision name of MK-816, addition of municipality MK-801, MK-803, MK-804, MK-805, MK-808, MK-809, MK-811, MK-814, MK-815, MK-817; Update List Source; Update Code Source

Codes changed in Newsletter I-9

Before After Subdivision name
MK-AD MK-01 Aerodrom
MK-AR MK-02 Aračinovo
MK-BR MK-03 Berovo
MK-TL MK-04 Bitola
MK-BG MK-05 Bogdanci
MK-VJ MK-06 Bogovinje
MK-BS MK-07 Bosilovo
MK-BN MK-08 Brvenica
MK-BU MK-09 Butel
MK-CE MK-77 Centar
MK-CZ MK-78 Centar Župa
MK-CI MK-79 Čair
MK-CA MK-80 Čaška
MK-CH MK-81 Češinovo-Obleševo
MK-CS MK-82 Čučer Sandevo
MK-DB MK-21 Debar
MK-DA MK-22 Debarca
MK-DL MK-23 Delčevo
MK-DM MK-25 Demir Hisar
MK-DK MK-24 Demir Kapija
MK-SD MK-26 Dojran
MK-DE MK-27 Dolneni
MK-DR MK-28 Drugovo
MK-GB MK-17 Gazi Baba
MK-GV MK-18 Gevgelija
MK-GP MK-29 Gjorče Petrov
MK-GT MK-19 Gostivar
MK-GR MK-20 Gradsko
MK-IL MK-34 Ilinden
MK-JG MK-35 Jegunovce
MK-KB MK-37 Karbinci
MK-KX MK-38 Karpoš
MK-AV MK-36 Kavadarci
MK-KH MK-40 Kičevo
MK-VD MK-39 Kisela Voda
MK-OC MK-42 Kočani
MK-KN MK-41 Konče
MK-KY MK-43 Kratovo
MK-KZ MK-44 Kriva Palanka
MK-KG MK-45 Krivogaštani
MK-KS MK-46 Kruševo
MK-UM MK-47 Kumanovo
MK-LI MK-48 Lipkovo
MK-LO MK-49 Lozovo
MK-MK MK-51 Makedonska Kamenica
MK-MD MK-52 Makedonski Brod
MK-MR MK-50 Mavrovo i Rostuša
MK-MG MK-53 Mogila
MK-NG MK-54 Negotino
MK-NV MK-55 Novaci
MK-NS MK-56 Novo Selo
MK-OD MK-58 Ohrid
MK-OS MK-57 Oslomej
MK-PH MK-60 Pehčevo
MK-PE MK-59 Petrovec
MK-PN MK-61 Plasnica
MK-PP MK-62 Prilep
MK-PT MK-63 Probištip
MK-RV MK-64 Radoviš
MK-RN MK-65 Rankovce
MK-RE MK-66 Resen
MK-RM MK-67 Rosoman
MK-AJ MK-68 Saraj
MK-SS MK-70 Sopište
MK-NA MK-71 Staro Nagoričane
MK-UG MK-72 Struga
MK-RU MK-73 Strumica
MK-SU MK-74 Studeničani
MK-SL MK-69 Sveti Nikole
MK-ST MK-83 Štip
MK-SO MK-84 Šuto Orizari
MK-TR MK-75 Tearce
MK-ET MK-76 Tetovo
MK-VA MK-10 Valandovo
MK-VL MK-11 Vasilevo
MK-VE MK-13 Veles
MK-VV MK-12 Vevčani
MK-NI MK-14 Vinica
MK-VC MK-15 Vraneštica
MK-VH MK-16 Vrapčište
MK-ZA MK-31 Zajas
MK-ZK MK-32 Zelenikovo
MK-ZR MK-33 Zrnovci
MK-ZE MK-30 Želino

Codes deleted on 27 November 2015

Former code Subdivision name Notes
MK-01 Aerodrom Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-09 Butel Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-77 Centar Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-79 Čair Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-28 Drugovo Merged with Kičevo Municipality
MK-17 Gazi Baba Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-29 Gjorče Petrov Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-38 Karpoš Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-39 Kisela Voda Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-57 Oslomej Merged with Kičevo Municipality
MK-68 Saraj Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-84 Šuto Orizari Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality
MK-15 Vraneštica Merged with Kičevo Municipality
MK-31 Zajas Merged with Kičevo Municipality

See also
