This article lists the principal units of the Foreign Legion in the French Army created since 1831. Legion units are only cited once, based on their respective dates of creation. A dissolved Legion unit which is recreated under the same designation will only appear once. The last section of the list re-summarizes actual Legion units in service.
Le Livre d’Or de la Légion étrangère (1831–1955) (Golden Book of the Legion 1831–1955), Jean Brunon et Georges Manue, éditions Charles Lavauzelle et Cie, 1958.
Histoire de la Légion, de Narvik à Kolwesi, (The History of the Legion from Narvik to Kolwesi), Henri Le Mire, éditions Albin Michel, 1978, ISBN2-226-00694-X
Division Communication et Information de la Légion étrangère (Communication and Information Division of the French Foreign Legion).
Division Histoire et Patrimoine de la Légion étrangère (History and Patrimony Division of the French Foreign Legion).
Monsieur Légionnaire – Général (cr) Hallo Jean – Lavauzelle – 1994
Centre de documentation de la Légion étrangère (Center of Documentation of the French Foreign Legion).