The Secret Six is the name of four distinct, fictional comic book teams in the DC Comics Universe. Each team has had six members, led by a mysterious figure named Mockingbird, whom the characters assume to be one of the six themselves.
First team (1968–1969)
- August Durant
- Lili de Neuve
- Carlo di Rienzi
- Tiger Force (Mike Tempest)
- Crimson Dawn (Kit Dawn or Kim Dawn)
- King Savage
Second team (1988–1989)
- August Durant
- Mitch Hoberman
- Ladonna Jameal
- Tony Mantegna
- Luke McKendrick
- Vic Sommers
- Dr. Maria Verdugo
Third team (2005–2011)
Fourth team, New 52 (2015-2016)
Fifth team, The Infected
- The Commissioner (Jim Gordon)
- King Shazam (Billy Batson/Shazam)
- Scarab (Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle)
- Deathbringer (Donna Troy)
- Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
- Sky Tyrant (Carter Hall/Hawkman)
- The Batman Who Laughs