Naser Manzuri (Azeri: Nasir Mənzuri; Persian: ناصر منظوری; born 1953 in Mianeh) is an Iranian novelist and linguist.
He writes his novels in the Azerbaijani language. He vastly concentrates on Azeri mythical thoughts in his themes and combines with reality. However, he writes his linguistic theoreticals in three languages (Azerbaijani, Persian, and English).
Scrutiny over Naser Manzuri's AVAVA Novel, Masters Thesis, (Nasır Menzuri’nin AVAVA ROMANI ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME), Sedef Ahenpençe, yüksek lisans tezi, CELAL BAYAR ÜNİ. SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENS. YENİ TÜRK EDEBİYATI ANABİLİM DALI, 2010
Azərbaycan (Official Journal of Azerbaijan Writers) (9), 2005
Writer and Scientist, "Ədəbiyyat Qəzeti" (Literature Journal), No 29 (4884), Baku, 2013
Cənubi Azərbaycan Ədəbiyyatı Tarıxı XX əsr (South Azerbaijan Literature History XX era), II Vol., p. 617, Azerbaijan National Academia of Sciences, 2013
Nasır Menzuri Hayatı, Edebi Kişiliyi və Karaçuha Romanı, (Nazer Manzuri's Life, Literary Personality and Qarachookha Novel), Nazanin Zolfaghari, Master Thesis, T.C., Ege Uni., Social Sciences Institute, Literature of Turk World ABD, 2013