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Postnikov system

In homotopy theory, a branch of algebraic topology, a Postnikov system (or Postnikov tower) is a way of decomposing a topological space's by filtering its homotopy type. What this looks like is for a space there is a list of spaces where

and there's a series of maps that are fibrations with fibers Eilenberg-MacLane spaces . In short, we are decomposing the homotopy type of using an inverse system of topological spaces whose homotopy type at degree agrees with the truncated homotopy type of the original space . Postnikov systems were introduced by, and are named after, Mikhail Postnikov.

There is a similar construction called the Whitehead tower (defined below) where instead of having spaces with the homotopy type of for degrees , these spaces have null homotopy groups for for .



A Postnikov system of a path-connected space is an inverse system of spaces

with a sequence of maps compatible with the inverse system such that

  1. The map induces an isomorphism for every .
  2. for .[1]: 410 
  3. Each map is a fibration, and so the fiber is an Eilenberg–MacLane space, .

The first two conditions imply that is also a -space. More generally, if is -connected, then is a -space and all for are contractible. Note the third condition is only included optionally by some authors.



Postnikov systems exist on connected CW complexes,[1]: 354  and there is a weak homotopy-equivalence between and its inverse limit, so


showing that is a CW approximation of its inverse limit. They can be constructed on a CW complex by iteratively killing off homotopy groups. If we have a map representing a homotopy class , we can take the pushout along the boundary map , killing off the homotopy class. For this process can be repeated for all , giving a space which has vanishing homotopy groups . Using the fact that can be constructed from by killing off all homotopy maps , we obtain a map .

Main property


One of the main properties of the Postnikov tower, which makes it so powerful to study while computing cohomology, is the fact the spaces are homotopic to a CW complex which differs from only by cells of dimension .

Homotopy classification of fibrations


The sequence of fibrations [2] have homotopically defined invariants, meaning the homotopy classes of maps , give a well defined homotopy type . The homotopy class of comes from looking at the homotopy class of the classifying map for the fiber . The associated classifying map is


hence the homotopy class is classified by a homotopy class

called the nth Postnikov invariant of , since the homotopy classes of maps to Eilenberg-Maclane spaces gives cohomology with coefficients in the associated abelian group.

Fiber sequence for spaces with two nontrivial homotopy groups


One of the special cases of the homotopy classification is the homotopy class of spaces such that there exists a fibration

giving a homotopy type with two non-trivial homotopy groups, , and . Then, from the previous discussion, the fibration map gives a cohomology class in


which can also be interpreted as a group cohomology class. This space can be considered a higher local system.

Examples of Postnikov towers


Postnikov tower of a K(G, n)


One of the conceptually simplest cases of a Postnikov tower is that of the Eilenberg–Maclane space . This gives a tower with

Postnikov tower of S2


The Postnikov tower for the sphere is a special case whose first few terms can be understood explicitly. Since we have the first few homotopy groups from the simply connectedness of , degree theory of spheres, and the Hopf fibration, giving for , hence

Then, , and comes from a pullback sequence

which is an element in


If this was trivial it would imply . But, this is not the case! In fact, this is responsible for why strict infinity groupoids don't model homotopy types.[3] Computing this invariant requires more work, but can be explicitly found.[4] This is the quadratic form on coming from the Hopf fibration . Note that each element in gives a different homotopy 3-type.

Homotopy groups of spheres


One application of the Postnikov tower is the computation of homotopy groups of spheres.[5] For an -dimensional sphere we can use the Hurewicz theorem to show each is contractible for , since the theorem implies that the lower homotopy groups are trivial. Recall there is a spectral sequence for any Serre fibration, such as the fibration


We can then form a homological spectral sequence with -terms


And the first non-trivial map to ,


equivalently written as


If it's easy to compute and , then we can get information about what this map looks like. In particular, if it's an isomorphism, we obtain a computation of . For the case , this can be computed explicitly using the path fibration for , the main property of the Postnikov tower for (giving , and the universal coefficient theorem giving . Moreover, because of the Freudenthal suspension theorem this actually gives the stable homotopy group since is stable for .

Note that similar techniques can be applied using the Whitehead tower (below) for computing and , giving the first two non-trivial stable homotopy groups of spheres.

Postnikov towers of spectra


In addition to the classical Postnikov tower, there is a notion of Postnikov towers in stable homotopy theory constructed on spectra[6]pg 85-86.



For a spectrum a postnikov tower of is a diagram in the homotopy category of spectra, , given by


with maps

commuting with the maps. Then, this tower is a Postnikov tower if the following two conditions are satisfied:

  1. for ,
  2. is an isomorphism for ,

where are stable homotopy groups of a spectrum. It turns out every spectrum has a Postnikov tower and this tower can be constructed using a similar kind of inductive procedure as the one given above.

Whitehead tower


Given a CW complex , there is a dual construction to the Postnikov tower called the Whitehead tower. Instead of killing off all higher homotopy groups, the Whitehead tower iteratively kills off lower homotopy groups. This is given by a tower of CW complexes,



  1. The lower homotopy groups are zero, so for .
  2. The induced map is an isomorphism for .
  3. The maps are fibrations with fiber .



Notice is the universal cover of since it is a covering space with a simply connected cover. Furthermore, each is the universal -connected cover of .



The spaces in the Whitehead tower are constructed inductively. If we construct a by killing off the higher homotopy groups in ,[7] we get an embedding . If we let

for some fixed basepoint , then the induced map is a fiber bundle with fiber homeomorphic to


and so we have a Serre fibration


Using the long exact sequence in homotopy theory, we have that for , for , and finally, there is an exact sequence


where if the middle morphism is an isomorphism, the other two groups are zero. This can be checked by looking at the inclusion and noting that the Eilenberg–Maclane space has a cellular decomposition

; thus,

giving the desired result.

As a homotopy fiber


Another way to view the components in the Whitehead tower is as a homotopy fiber. If we take

from the Postnikov tower, we get a space which has

Whitehead tower of spectra


The dual notion of the Whitehead tower can be defined in a similar manner using homotopy fibers in the category of spectra. If we let

then this can be organized in a tower giving connected covers of a spectrum. This is a widely used construction[8][9][10] in bordism theory because the coverings of the unoriented cobordism spectrum gives other bordism theories[10]

such as string bordism.

Whitehead tower and string theory


In Spin geometry the group is constructed as the universal cover of the Special orthogonal group , so is a fibration, giving the first term in the Whitehead tower. There are physically relevant interpretations for the higher parts in this tower, which can be read as

where is the -connected cover of called the string group, and is the -connected cover called the fivebrane group.[11][12]

See also



  1. ^ a b Hatcher, Allen. Algebraic Topology (PDF).
  2. ^ Kahn, Donald W. (1963-03-01). "Induced maps for Postnikov systems" (PDF). Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 107 (3): 432–450. doi:10.1090/s0002-9947-1963-0150777-x. ISSN 0002-9947.
  3. ^ Simpson, Carlos (1998-10-09). "Homotopy types of strict 3-groupoids". arXiv:math/9810059.
  4. ^ Eilenberg, Samuel; MacLane, Saunders (1954). "On the Groups , III: Operations and Obstructions". Annals of Mathematics. 60 (3): 513–557. doi:10.2307/1969849. ISSN 0003-486X. JSTOR 1969849.
  5. ^ Laurențiu-George, Maxim. "Spectral sequences and homotopy groups of spheres" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 19 May 2017.
  6. ^ On Thom Spectra, Orientability, and Cobordism. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 1998. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-77751-9. ISBN 978-3-540-62043-3.
  7. ^ Maxim, Laurențiu. "Lecture Notes on Homotopy Theory and Applications" (PDF). p. 66. Archived (PDF) from the original on 16 February 2020.
  8. ^ Hill, Michael A. (2009). "The string bordism of BE8 and BE8 × BE8 through dimension 14". Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 53 (1): 183–196. doi:10.1215/ijm/1264170845. ISSN 0019-2082.
  9. ^ Bunke, Ulrich; Naumann, Niko (2014-12-01). "Secondary invariants for string bordism and topological modular forms". Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques. 138 (8): 912–970. doi:10.1016/j.bulsci.2014.05.002. ISSN 0007-4497.
  10. ^ a b Szymik, Markus (2019). "String bordism and chromatic characteristics". In Daniel G. Davis; Hans-Werner Henn; J. F. Jardine; Mark W. Johnson; Charles Rezk (eds.). Homotopy Theory: Tools and Applications. Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 729. pp. 239–254. arXiv:1312.4658. doi:10.1090/conm/729/14698. ISBN 9781470442446. S2CID 56461325.
  11. ^ "Mathematical physics – Physical application of Postnikov tower, String(n) and Fivebrane(n)". Physics Stack Exchange. Retrieved 2020-02-16.
  12. ^ "at.algebraic topology – What do Whitehead towers have to do with physics?". MathOverflow. Retrieved 2020-02-16.