View text source at Wikipedia


/* AFD age detector, version [0.0.4]
   Originally from:

   Updated 2018-04
   - Updated code
   - Display gray text until three hours before close
   - Use contentSub instead of body for pink notice

   Updated 2020-04
   - Removed unnecessary modification of Date prototype
   - Used mw.loader.load

if (mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') !== 0 && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 4 && (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('_for_deletion/') !== -1 || mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('_for_discussion/') !== -1)) {
	$(function () {
		var url = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?maxage=3600&smaxage=3600&action=query&indexpageids&prop=revisions&rvdir=newer&rvlimit=1&rvprop=timestamp|comment|user&format=json&callback=ageCheckAFDCB&pageids=' + mw.config.get('wgArticleId');

function ageCheckAFDCB(obj) {
	var sub = document.getElementById('contentSub') || document.getElementById('topbar');
	var div = document.createElement('div');
	if (!obj.query || !obj.query.pages || obj.query.pages.length === 0 || !obj.query.pageids || obj.query.pageids.length === 0 || obj.error) {
		div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Api error in AFD Age Detector.'));
	var id = obj.query.pageids[0];
	var page = obj.query.pages[id];
	var rev = page.revisions[0];
	if (!rev || !rev.timestamp || !rev.user) {

	var now = new Date();
	var tsd = new Date(rev.timestamp);
	var timesince = Math.floor((now - tsd) / 1000);
	if (timesince === '') {
		timesince = -1;
	var revinfo = 'Page created: ' + duration(timesince) + ' ago by ' + rev.user;
	if (rev.comment) {
		div.setAttribute('title', rev.comment);
	if (!rev.comment || rev.comment.indexOf('Created') === -1) { = '#666666';
	if (timesince > 594000) { = '#ff0000';
	div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(revinfo + '.'));
	if (timesince > 604800) {
		mw.util.addCSS('#contentSub {background:#ffaaff !important;}');

function duration(input, depth) {
	var num = input;
	var out = '';
	var s = num % 60; num = Math.floor(num / 60);
	var m = num % 60; num = Math.floor(num / 60);
	var h = num % 24; num = Math.floor(num / 24);
	var d = num % 7; num = Math.floor(num / 7);
	var w = num % 52; num = Math.floor(num / 52);
	var y = num;
	if (y > 0) {
		out += y + 'yrs ';
	if (y + w > 0) {
		out += w + 'wks ';
	if (y + w + d > 0) {
		out += d + 'days ';
	if (y + w + d + h > 0) {
		out += h + 'hrs ';
	if (y + w + d + h + m > 0) {
		out += m + 'mins ';
	out += s + 'secs';
	if (depth && depth < out.split(' ').length) {
		out = out.split(' ').slice(0, depth).join(' ');
	return out;