View text source at Wikipedia
// originally from [[User:DerHexer]]
// get URL parameters (used for page type variables)
var UrlParameters = new Array ();
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var asReadInUrlParameters;
var asReadInUrlParameter;
// Get URL parameters
asReadInUrlParameters =,"&");
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asReadInUrlParameter = asReadInUrlParameters[i].split("=");
UrlParameters[decodeURIComponent(asReadInUrlParameter[0])] = decodeURIComponent(asReadInUrlParameter[1]);
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function fillActionPage() {
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function searchRollbackLink() {
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newlink.setAttribute('href', a.href);
var EditTextNode = document.createTextNode("normal rollback");
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as[j].parentNode.insertBefore( document.createTextNode(' | '), as[j].nextSibling );
return a;
return tds;
function RollAndSpam(rolluri) {
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lastsecond = RegExp.$6;
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var matchedtemplatename = 'vandalism';
} else if (\-Blank[^\d]/) != -1) {
var matchednumber = 1;
var matchedtemplatename = 'vandalism';
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confirmcontinue = confirm('This IP was warned less than 20 second ago. There might be an edit conflict. Do you want to continue nevertheless?');
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