View text source at Wikipedia


(function($, mw){
	'use strict';

	var wgPageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
	var wgUserName = mw.config.get('wgUserName');
	var wgNamespaceNumber = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
	var jsPage = false;
	// Never do anything in article space
	if (wgNamespaceNumber === 0){

	// Handle .js pages
	if ((wgPageName.lastIndexOf('.js') == wgPageName.length - 3) && (mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'view') && (wgNamespaceNumber > -1)) {
		// Exclude users' own common.js and skin.js pages
		var fixedUn = wgUserName.replace(/ /g,'_');
		if ((wgPageName != 'User:' + fixedUn + '/common.js') && 
			(wgPageName != 'User:' + fixedUn + '/monobook.js') &&
			(wgPageName != 'User:' + fixedUn + '/minerva.js') &&
			(wgPageName != 'User:' + fixedUn + '/vector.js') &&
			(wgPageName != 'User:' + fixedUn + '/modern.js') &&
			(wgPageName != 'User:' + fixedUn + '/cologneblue.js') &&
			(wgPageName != 'User:' + fixedUn + '/timeless.js') &&
			(wgPageName != 'User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller.js')){
				// Set a flag so the rest of the script knows we're on a .js page
				jsPage = true;
				// Append the install link to the header, along with a "scriptInstallerLink" class for use by the rest of the script
				$('h1#firstHeading').append('<span style="font-size:0.8em;font-weight:bold;" id="' + wgPageName + '" class="scriptInstallerLink jsPage"></span>');
	// If script links are found on the page, start the music. Detection is based on span tags with "scriptInstallerLink" class, which are added by {{userscript}}.
	// Also run if we're on User:Equazcion/scriptInstaller, where we'll simply provide access to the installed script list and uninstall links
	if ((($('span.scriptInstallerLink').length > 0) && (mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'submit') && (mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'edit')) || (wgPageName == 'User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller')){
		if (jsPage !== true) {
			importStylesheet('User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller.css'); // Stylesheet already fetched above on .js pages
		if (wgPageName == 'User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller') {
			var homePage = true; // Set a flag if we're running the limited User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller functions
		// Set URL prefix
		var pre = location.protocol + '//' + mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage') + '.' + mw.config.get('wgNoticeProject') + '.org' + '/w/index.php?title=';
		// Set interface text
		var installerTitle = 'You currently have the following scripts installed <div class="titleBadge"><a href="' + pre + 'User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller' + '">Script Installer</a></div>';
		var installerMessage = 'Only scripts installed using <span style="font-weight:bold">Script Installer</span> are shown here. To uninstall a script, click "Uninstall".'; 
		var pipe = '<span style="font-size:1.1em;"> | </span>';
		var installerLink = 'Install';
		var installed = 'Installed';
		var unInstallerLink = 'Uninstall';
		var noauto = 'Must be installed manually';
		// Set up the regex pattern for later
		var regexObject = new RegExp( 'importScript\\(\'(.*)\'\\); \\/\\/Linkback: \\[\\[.*?\\]\\] Added by Script installer' , ["i"]);
		// Create array for installed script paths
		var installedScripts = [];
		// Append the box of installed scripts. Hide unless we're on a designated installation page
		$('div#contentSub').after('<div hidden="hidden" class="scriptInstaller"></div>');
		// Set parameters for common.js ajax request	
		var request4 = {
			titles: "User:" + mw.config.get("wgUserName") + "/common.js", 
			prop: "revisions|info", 
			intoken: "edit", 
			rvprop: "content",
			indexpageids: 1,
			format: "xml"
		// Do common.js ajax request
		$.get(mw.config.get("wgScriptPath")+"/api.php", request4, function(response4){
			// Grab common.js content and split by lines 
			var lines = $(response4).find('rev').text().split('\n');
			// Use the regex to iterate through the lines, looking for the ones that ScriptInstaller added
			$.each(lines, function(index, value){
				var match = regexObject.exec(value);
				// Put the paths of the matches into the array of installed scripts
				if (match !== null){
			// If none were found, remove the installed script list box. Otherwise fade-in the box and set up the toggle link
			if (installedScripts.length < 1){
			} else if ((wgPageName == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_scripts/Scripts') || (wgPageName == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_scripts') || 
				(wgPageName == 'Wikipedia:User_scripts') || (jsPage === true) || (homePage === true)){
				// Insert script list toggle link
				var toggleMessage = ((jsPage === true) || (homePage === true)) ? 'Show installed script list' : 'Hide installed script list';
				$('.firstHeading').append(' <a style="font-weight:bold;font-size:10px" class="scriptinstallerTog" href="#bbx">' + toggleMessage + '</a>');
				// The function to set the toggle link to
				function setScriptInstallerToggle(){
						if ($('.scriptinstallerTog').html() == "Show installed script list"){
							$('.scriptinstallerTog').html('Hide installed script list');
						} else {
							$('.scriptinstallerTog').html('Show installed script list');
				// Set the toggle link function. Also fade the box in initially, if we're at the script listing page.
				if ((jsPage !== true) && (homePage !== true)){ 
						$('.scriptInstaller').fadeIn(800, function(){ setScriptInstallerToggle(); });
					}, 500);
				} else {
			// Start building the code for display of the installed list. Iterate through each installed script in the array
			var installedList = '<ul style="list-style-type:none;">';
			$.each(installedScripts, function(index, value){
				// For each script already installed, change the install links (into "installed" messages) that are on the current page (if any)
				$('span.scriptInstallerLink[id="' + encodeURIComponent(value).replace('%3A',':').replace(/\//g,'.2F').replace(/ /g,'_').replace(/%/g,'.').replace(/\.20/g,'_') + '"]')
					.attr('id','installed' + index)
				if (jsPage === true)
					$('span.scriptInstallerLink[id="' + value.replace(/ /g,'_') + '"]')
						.attr('id','installed' + index)
				// Add an HTML list element for each installed script, containing .js and uninstall links
				installedList = installedList + '<li>' + 
					'<a href="#installerLink" class="unInstallerLink">' + unInstallerLink + '</a>: ' +
					'<a href="' + pre + value + '">' + decodeURIComponent(value) + '</a>' + 
			// Cap off the list of installed scripts
			installedList = installedList + '</ul>';
			// Build and append the rest if the list box code, and insert our constructed list of installed scripts
			$('.scriptInstaller').html('<div class="installerTitle">' + installerTitle + '</div>' +	
			'<div class="container1">' + 
					'<div class="installerMessage">' + installerMessage + '</div>' + 
					'<div class="uninstallList">' + installedList + '</div>' + 
			// Iterate through each line in the installed list and set the click function for their uninstall links
			$('.scriptInstaller li').each(function(){
				var path = $(this).find('a:last').html();
					$('body').append('<div class="overlay" style="background-color:#000;opacity:.4;position:fixed;' + 
					$('body').prepend('<div class="arcProg" style="font-weight:bold;box-shadow: 7px 7px 5px #000;font-size:0.9em;line-height:1.5em;' + 
						'z-index:501;opacity:1;position:fixed;width:50%;left:25%;top:30%;background:#F7F7F7;border:#222 ridge 1px;padding:20px;"></div>');
					$('.arcProg').append('<div>Uninstalling <span style="font-weight:normal;color:#003366;">' + path + '</span>...</div>');
					// Set parameters for the first uninstall ajax request that occurs when the uninstall link is clicked
					var request5 = {
						titles: "User:" + mw.config.get("wgUserName") + "/common.js", 
						prop: "revisions|info", 
						intoken: "edit", 
						rvprop: "content",
						indexpageids: 1,
						dataType: "xml",
						format: "xml"
					// Send the request
					$.get(mw.config.get("wgScriptPath")+"/api.php", request5, function(response5){
						//Grab common.js content and find/replace our line with nothing, thereby removing the script
						var content = $(response5).find('rev').text();
						var newText = content.replace("\n" + "importScript('" + path + "'); //Linkback: [[" + path + "]] Added by Script installer", "");
						// Set paraemeters for the ajax post that replaces common.js with our edited version
						var request6 = {
							action : "edit",
							title : "User:" + mw.config.get("wgUserName") + "/common.js", 
							text : newText,
							summary : "[[User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller|Script Installer]]: Removed [[" + path + "]]",
							token: mw.user.tokens.get("csrfToken")
						// Send the ajax post to save the new common.js, then reload the current page
						$.post(mw.config.get("wgScriptPath")+"/api.php", request6, function(response6){
							$('.arcProg').append('<div><span style="color:#00008C">Done!</span> Reloading...</div>');
		// Iterate through each templated (via {{userscript}}) script on the page
			// Get the script path, which the template places in the span's ID
			var path = $(this).attr('id');
			path = path.replace(/.2F/g,'/').replace(/\_/g,' ');
			// If there's more than one dot left in the path, assume percent encoding was converted to dots. Leave the last dot for ".js"
			if ((path.split(".").length - 1) > 1){
				var parts = path.split('.');
	    		path = parts.slice(0,-1).join('%') + '.' + parts.slice(-1);
			// If this path leads to a valid en-wiki .js script in userspace or wikipedia space, add an install link
			if (((path.toLowerCase().substring(0, 5) == "user:") || (path.toLowerCase().substring(0,10) == 'wikipedia:')) && (path.lastIndexOf('.js') == path.length - 3)){
				//var pipe = (jsPage == true) ? '' : ' | ';
				$(this).html('<a href="#installerLink" class="installerLink">' + installerLink + '</a>')
				// Set the click function for the install link
					$('body').append('<div class="overlay" style="background-color:#000;opacity:.4;position:fixed;' + 
					$('body').prepend('<div class="arcProg" style="font-weight:bold;box-shadow: 7px 7px 5px #000;font-size:0.9em;line-height:1.5em;' + 
						'z-index:501;opacity:1;position:fixed;width:50%;left:25%;top:30%;background:#F7F7F7;border:#222 ridge 1px;padding:20px;"></div>');
					$('.arcProg').append('<div>Installing <span style="font-weight:normal;color:#003366;">' + path + '</span>...</div>');
					// Set ajax parameters for the ajax post that occurs when the install link is clicked 
					var request1 = {
						title: "User:" + mw.config.get("wgUserName") + "/common.js", 
						appendtext: "\nimportScript('" + decodeURIComponent(path) + "'); //Linkback: [[" + decodeURIComponent(path) + "]] Added by Script installer", 
						summary: "[[User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller|Script Installer]]: Added [[" + path + "]]", 
						token: mw.user.tokens.get("csrfToken")
					// Send the ajax post, which appends our new importScript line to common.js, then reload the current page
					$.post(mw.config.get("wgScriptPath")+"/api.php", request1, function(response1){
						$('.arcProg').append('<div><span style="color:#00008C">Done!</span> Reloading...</div>');
			} else {
				// If this is not a valid path to an en-wiki .js script in user or wikipedia space, add a "must install manually" message
				$(this).html(' | <span class="noauto">' + noauto + '</span>');
})(jQuery, mediaWiki);