View text source at Wikipedia
// <nowiki>
// Forked from [[User:Meteor sandwich yum/Tidy citations.js]] by [[User:Meteor sandwich yum]]
// Forked by [[User:Mesidast]]. For full list of changes see [[User:Mesidast/Tidy citations]]
// Version 2.3.2
// Retrieve and Set Global variables
if (gTidyCiteEditSum == null) var gTidyCiteEditSum = true; //generate a short summary
if (gTidyCiteShowDiff == null) var gTidyCiteShowDiff = true; //show diff after
if (gTidyCiteMarkMinor == null) var gTidyCiteMarkMinor = true; //mark edit as minor
if (gTidyCiteReplaceParams == null) var gTidyCiteReplaceParams = true; //replace deprecated parameters
if (gTidyCiteRemoveLive == null) var gTidyCiteRemoveLive = true; //remove url-status=live on unarchived refs
if (gTidyCiteReplacementParams == null) var gTidyCiteReplacementParams = {}; //initialise empty object if no user values found
mw.loader.using("mediawiki.util", function () {
// Only run script if user is editing an article
if (!document.forms.editform || (mw.config.get("wgAction") !== "edit" && mw.config.get("wgAction") !== "submit")) {
// Deprecated parameters to replace
var deprecatedParams = { //gTidyCiteReplacementParams
"accessdate": "access-date",
"archiveurl": "archive-url",
"archivedate": "archive-date",
"urlstatus": "url-status",
"urlaccess": "url-access",
"transcripturl": "transcript-url",
"authorlink": "author-link"
// If custom user list exists, append to and supersede the default param replace list
deprecatedParams = Object.assign(deprecatedParams, gTidyCiteReplacementParams);
function TidyCitations(mode) {
// WikEd compatibility
const useWikEd = window.wikEd && window.wikEd.useWikEd;
if (useWikEd) {
// Get and check textbox and summary field
var textbox = $("#wpTextbox1");
var summary = $("#wpSummary");
if (!textbox) {
mw.notify("Textbox not found | Tidy Citations");
return false;
if (!summary) {
mw.notify("Summary box not found | Tidy Citations");
return false;
var txt = textbox.val();
const original = txt;
var hyphenToggle = false;
var statusToggle = false;
const paramRegex = / *\| *([a-zA-Z1-9-]+) *= */g;
var customRegex;
if (mode === "custom") {
customRegex = prompt("Please enter your custom format, using the following examples: ' |$1=' or '|$1=' or ' | $1 = '");
if ((customRegex.match(/["']?(\s*\|\s*\$1\s*=\s*)["']?/g) || []).length !== 1) {
mw.notify("Invalid custom format entered | Tidy Citations");
return false;
customRegex = customRegex.replace(/["']/g, "");
// Fill an array with one entry per each recognized citation template
var oldTemplates = txt.match(/{{[_\s]*[Cc]it(?:ation|e[A-Za-z_ ]*)[_\s]*\|(?:{{[^}]*}}|[^}])+}}/g) || [];
var newTemplates = oldTemplates.slice();
//var archiveTemplates = txt.match(/{{[_\s]*[Ww]eb(?:\.|[_ ]*)archive[_\s]*\|(?:{{[^}]*}}|[^}])+}}/g) || []; //TODO : Tie in
//var allReferences = txt.match(/<ref(?:\s+name\s*=.+?)?\s*>.*?<\/ref\s*>|<ref\s+name\s*=.+?\/>/gsi); // Get full text within ref tags
// /{{[_\s]*[Ll]ondon[_ ]*[Gg]azette[_\s]*\| (London Gazette)
for (var i = 0; i < oldTemplates.length; i++) {
// Replace deprecated non-hyphenated parameters
if (gTidyCiteReplaceParams) {
for (let key in deprecatedParams) {
if (deprecatedParams.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let deprecatedRegex = new RegExp("\\| *" + key + " *=", "gi");
if (deprecatedRegex.test(newTemplates[i])) {
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(deprecatedRegex, "|" + deprecatedParams[key] + "=");
hyphenToggle = true;
//Remove "|url-status=live" if there is no archive link
if (gTidyCiteRemoveLive && /\|\s*url-?status\s*=\s*live/.test(newTemplates[i])) { //Fix .test
if (!(/\|\s*archive-?url\s*=\s*http/.test(newTemplates[i]))) {
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(/\|\s*url-?status\s*=\s*live/,"");
statusToggle = true;
// standard, crammed, roomy & custom
if (mode !== "vertical") {
// Remove newlines
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(/\n/g, "");
switch (mode) { // Normalize spaces around the pipes and equal signs
case "standard":
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(paramRegex, " |$1=");
case "crammed":
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(paramRegex, "|$1=");
case "roomy":
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(paramRegex, " | $1 = ");
case "custom":
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(paramRegex, customRegex);
// Remove potential extra spaces before template ends
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(/\s*}}$/, "}}");
txt = txt.replace(oldTemplates[i], newTemplates[i]);
// vertical
} else {
// Fill an array with one entry per each parameter for this citation template
var oldParams = oldTemplates[i].match(/ *\n? *\| *\n? *([a-zA-Z1-9-]+) *= */g);
var newParams = [];
var maxWidth = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < oldParams.length; j++) {
// Get rid of the delimiters and spaces, keep only the parameter string
newParams[j] = oldParams[j].match(/[a-zA-Z1-9-]+/)[0];
// Calculate the length of the longest parameter
maxWidth = (newParams[j].length > maxWidth) ? newParams[j].length : maxWidth;
maxWidth++; // We need an extra one because Array(n).join(' ') will produce a string with n-1 chars
// Generate the aligned versions of the parameters (with padding before the equal signs)
for (var k = 0; k < oldParams.length; k++) {
var numSpaces = maxWidth - newParams[k].length;
var alignedParam = "\n | " + newParams[k] + new Array(numSpaces).join(" ") + " = ";
// Replace the original parameters with the tweakes ones
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(oldParams[k], alignedParam);
// Also align the }}
newTemplates[i] = newTemplates[i].replace(/ *\n? *}}/g, "\n}}");
// Replace the original templates with the tweaked versions
txt = txt.replace(oldTemplates[i], newTemplates[i]);
// Only insert the text if something has changed
if (txt !== original) {
textbox.val(txt); //update text
if (useWikEd) wikEd.UpdateFrame(); //wikEd compatibility
if (gTidyCiteEditSum) summary.val(EditSummary(summary.val(), hyphenToggle, statusToggle)); //edit summary
if (gTidyCiteMarkMinor) document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true; //mark as minor
if (gTidyCiteShowDiff) $("#wpDiff").click(); //show changes
} else {
mw.notify("No changes made | Tidy Citations");
// Generate a random alphanumeric ID of set length
function GetUniqueID(length) {
const chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
var result = "";
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
return result;
// Substitute comments with placeholders
function RemoveComments(citeTemplate) {
const commentText = [];
const commentMatches = citeTemplate.match(/<!--.*?-->/gs); //Get all comments
for (let i = 0; i < commentMatches.length; i++) {
var subText = GetUniqueID(10);
while (citeTemplate.indexOf(subText) !== -1) {
subText = GetUniqueID(10);
commentText.push([subText, commentMatches[i]]);
citeTemplate = citeTemplate.replace(commentMatches[i], subText);
return { commentText, citeTemplate };
// a = RemoveComments("Test")
// b = a.commentText
// c = a.newTemplates
// Restore comments from placeholders
function RestoreComments(citeTemplate, commentText) {
for (let key in commentText) {
if (commentText.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
citeTemplate = citeTemplate.replace(key, commentText[key]);
return citeTemplate;
// Get array of parameters split by "|" and then split by "="
function SplitParams(citeTemplate) {
var paramList = citeTemplate
.map(element => element.split(/=(.*)/s)
.map(element => element.trim())
.filter(element => element !== ""));
return paramList;
// Append custom message unto the end of the current edit dummary
function EditSummary(sum, hyphenToggle, statusToggle) {
// Define edit summary messages
const spaceSum = "Standardise citation spacing";
const hyphenSum = " replace deprecated fields";
const statusSum = " remove 'url-status=live' from non-archived refs";
const linkSum = " using [[User:Mesidast/Tidy citations|a script]]";
var repeatSummary = sum.indexOf(linkSum) !== -1;
var currentRegex;
if (repeatSummary) {
// Merge toggles from previous edit summary
currentRegex = new RegExp(spaceSum + ".*?" + linkSum.replace(/([\[\]\/\|])/g, "\\$1"), "gs");
var currentSum = sum.match(currentRegex) || [""];
hyphenToggle = hyphenToggle || currentSum[0].indexOf(hyphenSum) !== -1;
statusToggle = statusToggle || currentSum[0].indexOf(statusSum) !== -1;
// Build edit summary
var firstAppend = true;
var appendSum = linkSum;
if (statusToggle === true) {
appendSum = " and" + statusSum + appendSum;
firstAppend = false;
if (hyphenToggle === true) {
appendSum = (firstAppend ? " and" : ",") + hyphenSum + appendSum;
firstAppend = false;
appendSum = spaceSum + appendSum;
// Merge script summary and existing summary
if (repeatSummary) {
// Script re-run
sum = sum.replace(currentRegex, appendSum);
} else {
// First time
if (/[^\*\/\s][^\/\s]?\s*$/.test(sum)) {
sum += " | " + appendSum;
} else {
sum = appendSum;
return sum;
var tidyButton1 = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", "#", "{{Tidy}}", "t-tidyCiteDefault", "Format citations: tidy whitespace");
var tidyButton2 = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", "#", "{{Tidy}} (Vertical)", "t-tidyCiteVertical", "Formats citations & tidy whitespace (vertically)");
var tidyButton3 = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", "#", "{{Crammed}}", "t-tidyCiteCrammed", "Formats citations without any whitespace whatsoever");
var tidyButton4 = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", "#", "{{Roomy}}", "t-tidyCiteRoomy", "Formats citations with a lot of whitespace");
var tidyButton5 = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", "#", "{{Custom}}", "t-tidyCiteCustom", "Formats citations with custom format");
$(tidyButton1).click(function () { TidyCitations("standard"); });
$(tidyButton2).click(function () { TidyCitations("vertical"); });
$(tidyButton3).click(function () { TidyCitations("crammed"); });
$(tidyButton4).click(function () { TidyCitations("roomy"); });
$(tidyButton5).click(function () { TidyCitations("custom"); });
// </nowiki>