View text source at Wikipedia
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Code clean-up tool
Description (Polish):
Description (English):
Copyright: ©2007-2010 Maciej Jaros (pl:User:Nux, de:User:EcceNux, en:User:Nux)
Licence: GNU General Public License v2
Special thanks to:
* Wikipedysta:ABach - za zebranie i opracowanie długiej listy elementów do sprzątania
* Wikipedysta:Malarz pl - za garść kolejnych elementów do sprzątania
* Wikipedysta:BartekChom - za pomysły i gotowe wyrażenia regularne
* Wikipedysta:Gregul - za garść wyrażeń regularnych
* Wikipedysta:PMG - za wytrwałe i szczegółowe testowanie
* Wikipedysta:ToSter - za testy i pomysły na nowe rozwiązania
\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// version:
var tmp_VERSION = '2.3.5en-beta4'; // = wp_sk.version = wp_sk.ver
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Special modules
if ((typeof nuxedtoolkit)!='object')
+'script type="text/javascript" src="'
/* =====================================================
Object Init
===================================================== */
if (wp_sk!=undefined)
alert('Critical error - name conflict!\n\nOne of the scripts uses wp_sk as a global variable.');
var wp_sk = new Object();
wp_sk.ver = wp_sk.version = tmp_VERSION;
/* =====================================================
Lang array / object
===================================================== */
wp_sk.lang = {
'Long name' : 'Code cleanup',
'Short name' : 'WP:NUX_CC',
'Info link' : '[[WP:NUX_CC]]',
'ver.' : 'ver.',
'Please review changes!' : 'Please review changes!',
'Redirs clenup - preparation' : 'Redirs clenup - preparation'
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.debug(htxt)
Show html debug message if debug is active
===================================================== */
wp_sk.debug = function (htxt)
if (typeof wp_sk_debug_enabled!='undefined' && wp_sk_debug_enabled && typeof nux_debug=='function')
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.button()
Add wp_sk button
===================================================== */
wp_sk.button = function ()
// prepare
wp_sk.is_old_toolbar = nuxedtoolkit.is_old_toolbar;
// grup
wp_sk.btns = nuxedtoolkit.addGroup();
// btn def.
var btn_attrs = {
title : wp_sk.lang['Long name'] +' ('+ wp_sk.lang['ver.'] +' '+wp_sk.ver+')',
alt : wp_sk.lang['Short name'],
id : "wp_sk_img_btn"
var icons = {
// with blue background
oldbar : '',
// plain no background, SVG advised
newbar : ''
nuxedtoolkit.addBtn(wp_sk.btns, 'wp_sk.cleanup(document.getElementById(\'wpTextbox1\'))', icons, btn_attrs)
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.warning(input)
Add warning and add function to clear it
after pressing the diff button.
===================================================== */
wp_sk.warning = function (input)
var el=document.getElementById('wpSummary');
if (wp_sk.nochanges)
{'2px solid #696'; // just colors if there were no changes
if (el.value!='')
el.value+=', ';
el.value+=wp_sk.lang['Please review changes!'];
el.className = 'warning';
el.className = 'warning';
var el=document.getElementById('wpSummary');
el.value=el.value.replace(wp_sk.lang['Please review changes!'], wp_sk.lang['Info link']);
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.cleanup(input)
Main cleanup function that calls the cleaner
===================================================== */
wp_sk.cleanup = function (input)
var isPartSelected = false;
if (input.selectionStart != undefined)
var sel_s = input.selectionStart;
var sel_e = input.selectionEnd;
if (sel_s!=sel_e)
var str = input.value.substring(sel_s, sel_e);
isPartSelected = true;
// IE...
else if (document.selection)
var range = document.selection.createRange();
if (range.parentElement()==input && range.text!='')
var str = range.text;
isPartSelected = true;
if (!isPartSelected)
var str = input.value;
// OMG - IE & Opera fix
str = str.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
// Call main cleaner
str = str.replace(/\n+$/,''); // without last empty lines
var str_pre = str;
str = wp_sk.cleaner(str);
wp_sk.nochanges = (str==str_pre);
// Save changes
if (!wp_sk.nochanges)
if (!isPartSelected)
input.value = str;
else if (input.selectionStart!=undefined)
input.value = input.value.substring(0, sel_s) + str + input.value.substring(sel_e)
// IE...
else if (document.selection)
range.text = str;
range.scrollIntoView(false);// at bottom
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.cleaner(str)
Main cleaner
Calls more specific clener functions.
Returns cleaned string.
===================================================== */
wp_sk.cleaner = function (str)
// hide contents of tags like: nowiki, pre, source i math
str = wp_sk.nowiki.hide(str);
// basic cleanup
str = wp_sk.cleanerLinks(str); // wikilinks
str = wp_sk.cleanerTpls(str); // templates
str = wp_sk.cleanerWikiVaria(str); // other wikicode related
str = wp_sk.cleanerTXT(str); // text cleanup
// interwiki
str = wp_sk.cleanerMagicLinks(str);
// show contents of hiden tags
str =;
return str;
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.cleanerLinks(str)
Wikilinks cleanup
===================================================== */
wp_sk.cleanerLinks = function (str)
// [[Kto%C5%9B_jaki%C5%9B#co.C5.9B|...]]→[[Ktoś jakiś#coś|...]]
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^|#\]]*)([^|\]]*)(\||\]\])/g, wp_sk.rLinkdecode);
// fix namespaces and minor related
str = str.replace(/\[\[(:?) *([Ii]mage|[Ff]ile) *: *([^ ])/g, function (a,dw,co,l1) {return '[['+dw+'File:'+l1.toUpperCase();} );
str = str.replace(/\[\[(:?) *([Cc]ategory) *: *([^ ])/g, function (a,dw,co,l1) {return '[['+dw+'Category:'+l1.toUpperCase();} );
str = str.replace(/\[\[ *(:?) *([Tt]emplate) *: *([^ ])/g, function (a,dw,co,l1) {return '[[Template:'+l1.toUpperCase();} );
str = str.replace(/\[\[ *(:?) *([Ss]pecial) *: *([^ ])/g, function (a,dw,co,l1) {return '[[Special:'+l1.toUpperCase();} );
str = str.replace(/\[\[ *:? *[Tt]alk( [a-z]*) *: */g, '[[Talk$1:');
// dot
str = str.replace(/(\[\[File:[^\|\]]+\|[^\|\]]+)\.\]\]/, '$1]]');
// -mid spacje
/* // zawiesza FF w niektórych warunkach, psuje niektóre opisy
str = str.replace(/(\[\[File:[^\|\[\]]+)(\|[^\[\]\{\}]+ [^\[\]\{\}]*)(\|([^\|\[\]]+|[^\|\[\]]+\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]){7,}\]\])/g, function(a,g1,gmid,gn)
return g1+ gmid.replace(/\s/g,'') +gn;
// remove [[:en:
str = str.replace(/\[\[ *:? *en *: */g, '[[');
// [[Wikilink|wikilink]] > [[wikilink]]
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^|\]])([^|\]]*)\|([^\]])\2\]\]/g, function (a, w1_1, w_rest, w2_1)
return (w1_1.toUpperCase()==w2_1.toUpperCase()) ? '[['+w2_1+w_rest+']]' : a;
// (un)wind wikilinks
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^|\]]*)\|\1([a-zA-ZÄÖÜäößü]*)\]\]/g, '[[$1]]$2');
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^|\]]+)\|([^|\]]+)\]\]([a-zA-ZÄÖÜäößü]+)/g, '[[$1|$2$3]]');
// unwanted space in wikilinks
str = str.replace(/\[\[ *([^\]\|:]*[^\]\| ]) *\|/g, '[[$1|');
str = str.replace(/([^ \t\n])\[\[ +/g, '$1 [[');
str = str.replace(/\[\[ +/g, '[[');
str = str.replace(/([^ \t\n])\[\[([^\]\|:]+)\| +/g, '$1 [[$2|');
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|:]+)\| +/g, '[[$1|');
str = str.replace(/([^ \|]) +\]\]([^ \t\na-zA-ZÄÖÜäößü])/g, '$1]] $2');
str = str.replace(/([^ \|]) +\]\]([^a-zA-ZÄÖÜäößü])/g, '$1]]$2');
return str;
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.cleanerTpls(str)
Templates cleanup
===================================================== */
wp_sk.cleanerTpls = function (str)
// unneeded namespace
str = str.replace(/\{\{ *([Tt]emplate|msg) *: */g, '{{');
// lang correction
str = str.replace(/\{\{[lL]ang\|cz\}\}/g, '{{lang|cs}}');
str = str.replace(/\{\{[lL]ang\|dk\}\}/g, '{{lang|da}}');
str = str.replace(/\{\{[lL]ang\|nb\}\}/g, '{{lang|no}}');
str = str.replace(/(\{\{lang\|[a-z-]+\}\}[\t ]*){2,10}/g, function(a) {
return '{{multilang'+a.replace(/\{\{lang\|([a-z-]+)\}\}\s*//*g, '|$1')+'}}';
// making infoboxes more readable
// str = str.replace(/\{\{([^|}]+ infobo[^|}]+)((?:[^{}]+|\{\{(?:[^{}]+|\{\{[^{}]+\}\})+\}\})+)\}\}/g, wp_sk.rFriendlyIbox);
return str;
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.cleanerWikiVaria(str)
Cleanup of other wikisyntax related elements
===================================================== */
wp_sk.cleanerWikiVaria = function (str)
// unified headers
// str = str.replace(/[ \n\t]*\n'''? *(Siehe|Sehen) (auch|also):* *'''?[ \n\t]*/gi, '\n\n== Siehe auch ==\n');
// str = str.replace(/[ \n\t]*\n(=+) *(Siehe|Sehen) (auch|also):* *=+[ \n\t]*/gi, '\n\n$1 Siehe auch $1\n');
// str = str.replace(/[ \n\t]*\n'''? *(Web[ ]?links):* *'''?[ \n\t]*/gi, '\n\n== Weblinks ==\n');
// str = str.replace(/[ \n\t]*\n(=+) *(Web[ ]?links):* *=+[ \n\t]*/gi, '\n\n$1 Weblinks $1\n');
// headers
str = str.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *([^=\n]*[^ :=\n])[ :]*=/g, '$1$2 $3 ='); // =a= > = a =, =a:= > = a =
str = str.replace(/(^|\n)(=+[^=\n]+=+)[\n]{2,}/g, '$1$2\n'); // jeden \n
// add spaces in lists
str = str.replace(/(\n[#*:;]+)([^ \t\n#*:;{])/g, '$1 $2');
// unwind external links in lists
str = str.replace(/\n\*[ \t]*\[(http:\/\/[^ \n\]]+)\]/g, "\n*[$1 $1]");
return str;
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.cleanerTXT(str)
Cleanup not related to wikisyntax
===================================================== */
wp_sk.cleanerTXT = function (str)
// various corrections (order of commands might be important!)
str = str.replace(/<\/?br ?\/?>/gi, '<br />');
str = str.replace(/<sup>2<\/sup>/g, '²');
str = str.replace(/<sup>3<\/sup>/g, '³');
str = str.replace(/<sup>o<\/sup>/g, '°');
str = str.replace(/([0-9]) (%|‰|°)/g, '$1$2');
str = str.replace(/°/g, '°');
str = str.replace(/∑/g, '∑');
str = str.replace(/←/g, '←');
str = str.replace(/→/g, '→');
str = str.replace(/↑/g, '↑');
str = str.replace(/↓/g, '↓');
str = str.replace(/†/g, '†');
return str;
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.cleanerMagicLinks(str)
Cleanup of elements related to magic links like:
categories, interwiki and featured articles.
===================================================== */
wp_sk.cleanerMagicLinks = function (str)
// gather
str =;
str = wp_sk.iWiki.gather(str);
str = wp_sk.iWikiFA.gather(str);
// remove empty lines that were left after gathering magic links (or after any other cleanup actions)
str = str.replace(/[\n]{3,}/g, '\n\n');
// output at the end of the article
str = str.replace(/\s*$/,;
str = str.replace(/\s*$/, wp_sk.iWikiFA.output);
str = str.replace(/\s*$/, wp_sk.iWiki.output);
return str;
/* =====================================================
Functions supporting cleanup {START}
----------------------------------------------------- */
// Infobox cleanup
wp_sk.rFriendlyIbox = function (a,nazwa,zaw)
if (zaw.indexOf('<!--')!=-1 || zaw.indexOf('=')==-1 || zaw.indexOf('\n')==-1)
return a;
nazwa = nazwa.replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, "$1"); // trim
// escape params
// inner templates
zaw = zaw.replace(/<<<(#+)>>>/g,'<<<#$1>>>').replace(/\{\{[^}]+\}\}/g,function(a){ return a.replace(/\|/g,'<<<#>>>') });
// inner links
zaw = zaw.replace(/\[\[[^\]]+\]\]/g,function(a){ return a.replace(/\|/g,'<<<#>>>') });
// cleanup
// del empty
zaw = zaw.replace(/\|\s*(?=\|)/g, function(a) {return (a.indexOf('\n')==-1)?'':'\n'}).replace(/\|\s*$/g, "");
zaw = zaw.replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, "$1"); // trim
// move | at the beginning of the line
zaw = '\n'+zaw+'\n';
zaw = zaw.replace(/\s*\|(\s*)/g, function(a, post)
if (a.indexOf('\n')==-1)
return a;
else if (post.indexOf('\n')==-1)
return '\n |'+post;
return '\n | ';
// unescape
zaw = zaw.replace(/<<<#>>>/g,'|').replace(/<<<#(#+)>>>/g,'<<<$1>>>');
// Finish
return '{{'+nazwa.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+nazwa.substring(1)+zaw+'}}';
// Decode links
wp_sk.rLinkdecode = function(a,name,anchor,end)
return a.replace(/_/g,' ');
/* -----------------------------------------------------
Functions supporting cleanup {END}
===================================================== */
/* =====================================================
Classes supporting cleanup {START}
----------------------------------------------------- */
/* =====================================================
Class: wp_sk.nowiki
Show/hide contents of: nowiki, pre, source and math
hide special tags along with their contents
show hidden tags and their respective contents
===================================================== */
// object init
wp_sk.nowiki = new Object();
// .hide(str)
wp_sk.nowiki.hide = function(str)
// pre-hiding escaping of strings that might be confused with real nowiki-like escape strings
str = str.replace(/<<<(#*[0-9]+)>>>/g, '<<<#$1>>>');
// hiding
var re = /<(nowiki|pre|source|math|includeonly|noinclude)(|[ \t\n][^>]*)>/g;
var m;
wp_sk.nowiki.tags = new Array();
// until opening tag was found
for (var t_i = 0; (m=re.exec(str))!=null; t_i++)
var start, end, re_end;
start = m.index;
// search for ending tag: </tag([ \t\n]*)>
re_end = new RegExp("</"+m[1]+"([ \t\n]*)>", "g")
m = re_end.exec(str.substring(re.lastIndex));
end = (m==null) ? str.length : re.lastIndex+re_end.lastIndex;
// add to the contents array
wp_sk.nowiki.tags[t_i] = str.substring(start,end);
// change found contents to: <<<index>>>
str = str.substring(0,start)+"<<<"+t_i+">>>"+str.substring(end);
// search from the beginning, as some characters were removed
re.lastIndex = start;
return str;
// .show(str)
// = function(str)
// tags
str = str.replace(/<<<([0-9]+)>>>/g, function (a, i)
return wp_sk.nowiki.tags[i];
// unescape nowiki-like content
str = str.replace(/<<<(#*[0-9]+)>>>/g, '<<<#$1>>>');
return str;
/* =====================================================
Gather, cleanup and output categories
gather categories from str,
returns new str without categories
output resorted categories
parameter a is not important
return a regexp for defaultsort
searches for new (most popular) defaultsort
defaultsort found in the current articles
defaultsort choosen for the article
array for categories ('name|sort key')
helpufull index and a number of elements in arr
===================================================== */
// object init = new Object();
// .gather(str)
// = function(str)
// gather and remove = new Array(); = 0; = '';
str = str.replace(/\{\{DEFAULTSORT:([^\}]+)\}\}/g, function(a, ds){; return ''});
str = str.replace(/\[\[Category:([^\]\[]+)\]\]/g, function(a, cat){[]=cat; return ''}); =;
return str;
// .output(a)
// = function (a)
if (
return a;
var str = '\n';
// sorting categories if a function is available
function fn_sort(a,b)
return a.localeCompare(b)
// setup regexp for defaultsort (acording to the old or new key)
var reDefSort =;
// output categories
if (reDefSort!="") // if there was (or was found) a defaultsort
str += '\n{{DEFAULTSORT:''}}';
for (var i=0; i<; i++)
// if there is no defaultsort and empty, then add default so we won't bust anything
if (! &&[i].indexOf('|')==-1)
str += '\n[[Category:'[i]+'|{{PAGENAME}}]]';
{[i] =[i].replace(reDefSort,''); // remove key
str += '\n[[Category:'[i]+']]';
for (var i=0; i<; i++)
str += '\n[[Category:'[i]+']]';
return str;
// .getDefSort()
// = function ()
// choose a default sorting key
if (
{ =;
// search for new default key if there are more then 1 categories
else if (>1)
{ =;
var reDefSort="";
if (!="")
// changing to regexp (so we can omit partial matches)
reDefSort =[(){}\[\]\\|.*?$^])/g, '\\$1');
reDefSort = new RegExp('\\|'+reDefSort+'$');
return reDefSort;
// .newDefSort()
// = function ()
var def_sort = '';
// check if any cat sorting is used
var sort_i;
for (sort_i=0; sort_i< &&[sort_i].indexOf('|')<0; sort_i++);
// if any cat soroting is used - search for new key (based on popularity of the key)
if (sort_i!
var def_sort_num = 0;
var def_sort_forbiden = ['!', ' ', '*', '+'];
for (var i = sort_i; i<; i++) // starting from the first found
var j, tmp_def_sort, tmp_def_sort_re, tmp_def_sort_num;
// moving to new candidate key
for (j = i; j< &&[j].indexOf('|')<0; j++);
if (
tmp_def_sort =[j].substr([j].indexOf('|')+1);
if (def_sort == tmp_def_sort) // already checked
// changing to regexp (so we can omit partial matches)
tmp_def_sort_re = tmp_def_sort.replace(/([(){}\[\]\\|.*?$^])/g, '\\$1'); // escaping special regexp characters
tmp_def_sort_re = new RegExp('\\|'+tmp_def_sort_re+'$');
// counting
var tmp_def_sort_num=1;
for (j++; j<; j++)
if (tmp_def_sort_re.test([j]))
// candidate = new?
if (tmp_def_sort_num<2 || def_sort_num > tmp_def_sort_num)
if (tmp_def_sort_num*2> || def_sort_forbiden.indexOf(tmp_def_sort)<0) //>50% || forbidden
def_sort_num = tmp_def_sort_num;
def_sort = tmp_def_sort;
return def_sort;
/* =====================================================
Class: wp_sk.iWiki
Gather, cleanup and output interwiki
gather interwiki from str,
returns new str without interwiki
output resorted interwiki
parameter a is not important
.comp(a, b)
compare a with b and return value suitable
for sort() function
table of language codes sorted as the interwiki
should be sorted
(not used as sorting by language codes)
array for interwiki ([language, article])
helpufull index and a number of elements in arr
===================================================== */
// object init
wp_sk.iWiki = new Object();
// .gather(str)
wp_sk.iWiki.gather = function(str)
wp_sk.iWiki.arr = new Array();
wp_sk.iWiki.arr_i = 0;
str = str.replace(
// wg:
function (a, lang, art)
// wg:
if (lang!='wp' && lang!='mw' && lang!='gej' && lang!='ppr' && lang!='rfc' && lang!='uea' && lang!='why')
wp_sk.iWiki.arr[wp_sk.iWiki.arr_i] = new Array(lang,art);
return '';
return a;
return str;
// .output(a)
wp_sk.iWiki.output = function (a)
if (wp_sk.iWiki.arr_i==0)
return a;
var str = '\n';
for (var i=0; i<wp_sk.iWiki.arr_i; i++)
str += '\n[['+wp_sk.iWiki.arr[i][0]+':'+wp_sk.iWiki.arr[i][1]+']]';
return str;
// .comp(a,b)
wp_sk.iWiki.comp = function (a, b)
if (wp_sk.iWiki.order.indexOf(a[0]) < wp_sk.iWiki.order.indexOf(b[0]))
return -1;
else if (wp_sk.iWiki.order.indexOf(a[0]) > wp_sk.iWiki.order.indexOf(b[0]))
return 1;
// else
return 0;
based on:
wp_sk.iWiki.order = [
'ace', 'af', 'ak', 'als', 'am', 'ang', 'ab', 'ar', 'an', 'arc',
'roa-rup', 'frp', 'as', 'ast', 'gn', 'av', 'ay', 'az', 'bm', 'bn',
'zh-min-nan', 'nan', 'map-bms', 'ba', 'be', 'be-x-old', 'bh', 'bcl',
'bi', 'bar', 'bo', 'bs', 'br', 'bg', 'bxr', 'ca', 'cv', 'ceb', 'cs',
'ch', 'cbk-zam', 'ny', 'sn', 'tum', 'cho', 'co', 'cy', 'da', 'dk',
'pdc', 'de', 'dv', 'nv', 'dsb', 'dz', 'mh', 'et', 'el', 'eml', 'en',
'myv', 'es', 'eo', 'ext', 'eu', 'ee', 'fa', 'hif', 'fo', 'fr', 'fy',
'ff', 'fur', 'ga', 'gv', 'gd', 'gl', 'gan', 'ki', 'glk', 'gu',
'got', 'hak', 'xal', 'ko', 'ha', 'haw', 'hy', 'hi', 'ho', 'hsb',
'hr', 'io', 'ig', 'ilo', 'bpy', 'id', 'ia', 'ie', 'iu', 'ik', 'os',
'xh', 'zu', 'is', 'it', 'he', 'jv', 'kl', 'kn', 'kr', 'pam', 'ka',
'ks', 'csb', 'kk', 'kw', 'rw', 'ky', 'rn', 'sw', 'kv', 'kg', 'ht',
'ku', 'kj', 'lad', 'lbe', 'lo', 'la', 'lv', 'lb', 'lt', 'lij', 'li',
'ln', 'jbo', 'lg', 'lmo', 'hu', 'mk', 'mg', 'ml', 'mt', 'mi', 'mr',
'arz', 'mzn', 'ms', 'cdo', 'mwl', 'mdf', 'mo', 'mn', 'mus', 'my',
'nah', 'na', 'fj', 'nl', 'nds-nl', 'cr', 'ne', 'new', 'ja', 'nap',
'ce', 'pih', 'no', 'nb', 'nn', 'nrm', 'nov', 'ii', 'oc', 'mhr',
'or', 'om', 'ng', 'hz', 'uz', 'pa', 'pi', 'pag', 'pnb', 'pap', 'ps',
'km', 'pcd', 'pms', 'tpi', 'nds', 'pl', 'tokipona', 'tp', 'pnt',
'pt', 'aa', 'kaa', 'crh', 'ty', 'ksh', 'ro', 'rmy', 'rm', 'qu',
'ru', 'sah', 'se', 'sm', 'sa', 'sg', 'sc', 'sco', 'stq', 'st', 'tn',
'sq', 'scn', 'si', 'simple', 'sd', 'ss', 'sk', 'cu', 'sl', 'szl',
'so', 'ckb', 'srn', 'sr', 'sh', 'su', 'fi', 'sv', 'tl', 'ta', 'kab',
'roa-tara', 'tt', 'te', 'tet', 'th', 'ti', 'tg', 'to', 'chr', 'chy',
've', 'tr', 'tk', 'tw', 'udm', 'bug', 'uk', 'ur', 'ug', 'za', 'vec',
'vi', 'vo', 'fiu-vro', 'wa', 'zh-classical', 'vls', 'war', 'wo',
'wuu', 'ts', 'yi', 'yo', 'zh-yue', 'diq', 'zea', 'bat-smg', 'zh',
'zh-tw', 'zh-cn'
/* =====================================================
Class: wp_sk.iWikiFA
Gather, cleanup and output of tempates of
Featured Articles
gather FA templates from str,
returns new str without FA templates
output wikitext with resorted tempates of
Featured Articles.
parameter a is not important
array for FA templates ([language, article])
helpufull index and a number of elements in arr
===================================================== */
// object init
wp_sk.iWikiFA = new Object();
// .gather(str)
wp_sk.iWikiFA.gather = function(str)
wp_sk.iWikiFA.arr = new Array();
wp_sk.iWikiFA.arr_i = 0;
// wg:
str = str.replace(
/\{\{[Ll]ink FA\|([a-z\-]{2,3}|simple|ru-sib|be-x-old|zh-yue|map-bms|zh-min-nan|nds-nl|bat-smg|zh-classical|fiu-vro|roa-rup|tokipona|cbk-zam|roa-tara)\}\}/g,
function (a, lang)
// wg:
if (lang!='wp' && lang!='mw' && lang!='gej' && lang!='ppr' && lang!='rfc' && lang!='uea' && lang!='why')
wp_sk.iWikiFA.arr[wp_sk.iWikiFA.arr_i] = lang;
return '';
return a;
return str;
// .output(a)
wp_sk.iWikiFA.output = function (a)
if (wp_sk.iWikiFA.arr_i==0)
return a;
var str = '\n';
for (var i=0; i<wp_sk.iWikiFA.arr_i; i++)
str += '\n{{link FA|'+wp_sk.iWikiFA.arr[i]+'}}';
return str;
/* =====================================================
Class: wp_sk.redir
Fixing redirects.
For it is based on the article preview in which
redirects ar marked with special class (mw-redirect)
init redir replacement by changing the cleanup icon
and sending the first request to resolve redirects
response taking functions which does
basicly everything else
.arr - array for redirs resolved art. names used internally
.arr_i - index for the above array
.url - url of the first request
needed in case of continuing request
===================================================== */
// object init
wp_sk.redir = new Object();
// .init()
wp_sk.redir.init = function()
wp_sk.redir.base_url = mw.config.get('wgServer')+'/w/api.php?action=query&rawcontinue=&redirects&format=json&titles=';
var img_loading = '';
// var img_loading='';
// time boundry for re-request but only on submit (this is so the servers won't die)
if (mw.config.get('wgAction')=='submit')
if (document.cookie.indexOf('wpsk_redir_time_disable=1')!=-1)
var d = new Date();
d = new Date(d.getTime()+300000); //+5min (num. seconds * 1000)
document.cookie = "wpsk_redir_time_disable=1; path=/; expires=" + d.toGMTString();
var elWikiBody = document.getElementById('wikiPreview');
if (elWikiBody)
// search for redirects
wp_sk.redir.urls = new Array();
wp_sk.redir.urls[0] = new Array();
var url_i = url_j = 0;
var as = elWikiBody.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i=0; i<as.length; i++)
if (as[i].className=='mw-redirect')
var tmp = as[i].href.replace(/^.+\/wiki\/([^#]+).*$/,'$1').replace(/_/g,'%20');
// new url?
var isnew=true;
for (var ui=0; ui<=url_i; ui++)
for (var uj=0; uj<url_j; uj++)
if (wp_sk.redir.urls[ui][uj]==tmp)
if (!isnew)
// add to array
if (isnew)
wp_sk.redir.urls[url_i][url_j++] = tmp;
if (url_j>=50) // API limitation
if (url_i>=4) // max (4+1)x50 links
url_j = 0;
wp_sk.redir.urls[++url_i] = new Array();
// final prepartion and sending a request
if (wp_sk.redir.urls[0].length>0)
// loading...
var nel = document.createElement('span'); = 'wp_sk_redirs';
nel.innerHTML = '<img title="'+wp_sk.lang['Redirs clenup - preparation']+'" alt="..." src="'+img_loading+'" border="0" width="18" />';
// for found redirects
wp_sk.redir.arr = new Array();
wp_sk.redir.arr_i = 0;
// set up first portion
wp_sk.redir.urls_i = 0;
var url = wp_sk.redir.urls[wp_sk.redir.urls_i].join('|');
wp_sk.redir.url = wp_sk.redir.base_url+url;
wp_sk.redir.full_prev_url = wp_sk.redir.url;
// run
wp_sk.ajaxRun(wp_sk.redir.url, wp_sk.redir.resp);
// .resp(res)
wp_sk.redir.resp = function (res)
wp_sk.debug(res+'<hr />');
var jres = eval('('+res+')');
// gather replace values for links
var txtescape = /([\\^\$\*\+\?\.\(\)\[\]\{\}\:\=\!\|\,\-])/g;
for (var r in jres.query.redirects)
r = jres.query.redirects[r];
wp_sk.redir.arr[wp_sk.redir.arr_i++] = {
'rdir' : r.from,
'art' :
wp_sk.debug('['+(wp_sk.redir.arr_i-1)+']rdir:'+r.from+'<br />art:';
// continue?
if (jres['query-continue']!=null)
var continue_url = wp_sk.redir.url + '&plcontinue='+encodeURIComponent(jres['query-continue'].links.plcontinue);
if (wp_sk.redir.full_prev_url != continue_url) // <s>api</s> potential bug workaround
wp_sk.redir.full_prev_url = continue_url;
wp_sk.ajaxRun(continue_url, wp_sk.redir.resp);
wp_sk.debug('<p style="font-weight:bold;font-size:200%">Warning! Query continue loop.</p>');
// another portion of links
else if (wp_sk.redir.urls_i < wp_sk.redir.urls.length-1)
var url = wp_sk.redir.urls[++wp_sk.redir.urls_i].join('|');
wp_sk.redir.url = wp_sk.redir.base_url+url;
wp_sk.redir.full_prev_url = wp_sk.redir.url;
wp_sk.ajaxRun(wp_sk.redir.url, wp_sk.redir.resp);
// debug - start
var str;
// szukane
str = ''
for (var i=0;i<wp_sk.redir.urls.length;i++)
for (var j=0;j<wp_sk.redir.urls[i].length;j++)
str += '\nwp.urls['+i+']['+j+']='+ wp_sk.redir.urls[i][j]
// znalezione
str = ''
for (var i=0;i<wp_sk.redir.arr.length;i++)
str += '\nwp.rdirs['+i+']='+ wp_sk.redir.arr[i].rdir
// debug - end
// prepare function to replace redirects
wp_sk.cleanerLinks_orig = wp_sk.cleanerLinks;
wp_sk.cleanerLinks = function (str)
var reTxtEscape = /([\\^\$\*\+\?\.\(\)\[\]\{\}\:\=\!\|\,\-])/g;
for (var page in wp_sk.redir.arr)
page = wp_sk.redir.arr[page];
var re = page.rdir.replace(reTxtEscape,'\\$1');
if (^[a-zÄÖÜäößü]/i)==0)
re = '['+ re[0].toLowerCase() + re[0].toUpperCase() +']'
+ re.substr(1);
var re = new RegExp('\\[\\[('+re+')(\\||\\]\\])', 'g');
str = str.replace(re, function (a, art, end)
return '[['+ + (end=='|' ? '|' : '|'+art+']]');
return wp_sk.cleanerLinks_orig(str); // called now so that replaced links can be fixed/cleaned
// loading finished
var redirs_loading_el = document.getElementById('wp_sk_redirs')
if (redirs_loading_el)
var el = document.getElementById('wp_sk_img_btn');
if (wp_sk.is_old_toolbar)
el.src = '';
el.src = '';
/* -----------------------------------------------------
Classes supporting cleanup {END}
===================================================== */
/* =====================================================
Function: wp_sk.ajaxRun(url,fun_odbioru)
Send request for given url and set fun_odbioru as
a function which will recieve the text response
(text will be send through the first param.)
===================================================== */
wp_sk.ajaxRun = function (url,fun_odbioru)
var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
wp_sk.debug('<a href="'+url.replace(/[?&]format=[^&]+/g,'')+'>ajax call</a>');"GET", url, true);
// zakończono przetwarzanie
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
fun_odbioru (xmlhttp.responseText);
catch (e)
if (window.location.hostname == "localhost")
alert("Your browser blocks XMLHttpRequest to 'localhost', try using a real hostname for development/testing.");
throw e;
/* =====================================================
Function: Array.prototype.indexOf(elt)
Not needed in: Gecko>1.8b2
===================================================== */
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf)
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/)
var len = this.length;
var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0)
from += len;
for (; from < len; from++)
if (from in this && this[from] === elt)
return from;
return -1;
/* =====================================================
===================================================== */
if (typeof wp_sk_show_as_button!='undefined' && wp_sk_show_as_button)
if(mw.config.get('wgAction')=='submit' || mw.config.get('wgAction')=='edit')
if (typeof wp_sk_redir_enabled!='undefined' && wp_sk_redir_enabled)
// it works immiediatly if someone has preview on first edit
if(mw.config.get('wgAction')=='submit' || mw.config.get('wgAction')=='edit')