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I take a special interest in the history and science of cancer bacteria research. I have avidly studied this field for twenty five years, have conducted myriad interviews, initiated correspondences with leading and independent cancer organizations including NCI and ACS, and have compiled a sizeable library of published research, correspondences, audio tapes of interviews and newspaper records dating back to early 20th century.

Over the years, I have grown from someone opinionated on the topic of "alternative medicine," to someone who has become totally dedicated to judicious presentation of facts and historical records, well aware of the many myths, half-truths and conjectures that exist regarding this subject. Unfortunatley, there is a fair amount of distorted information about cancer bacteria research both in the popular mainstream, and among so-called "advocates." Thus I feel it an obligation as a published author and medical journalist, to convey the highest quality information I am able in the hopes of promoting a better dialogue.