View text source at Wikipedia
( function ( mw, $ ) {
function processResult( doAction ) {
var ticket = prompt( 'Ticket number or process with empty parameter if left blank: ', '' );
if ( ticket === null || ticket === '' ) ticket = '<!-- EMPTY -->';
mw.notify( 'Processing request to tag with "' + doAction + '" with Ticket: ' + ticket,
{ title: 'Processing...', autoHide: false } );
var pageid = mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' );
new mw.Api().get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content',
pageids: pageid
} ).done( function( pageContents ) {
mw.notify( 'Got page contents...', { title: 'Processing...', autoHide: false } );
var txt = pageContents.query.pages[ pageid ].revisions[ 0 ][ '*' ];
var summary = 'Marked as ';
var OtrsRep = '', PermRep = '';
switch ( doAction ) {
case 'perm' :
OtrsRep = '{{OTRS permission|id=' + ticket + '}}';
PermRep = '\n|Permission={{OTRS permission|id=' + ticket + '}}';
summary += '{{[[Template:OTRS Permission|OTRS Permission]]}} done';
case 'queued' :
OtrsRep = '{{OTRS received|id=' + ticket +
'|reason=OTRS ticket received and in the queue.}}';
PermRep = '\n|Permission={{OTRS received|id=' + ticket +
'|reason=OTRS ticket received and in the queue.}}';
summary += '{{[[Template:OTRS received|OTRS received]]}} and queued';
case 'received' :
OtrsRep = '{{OTRS received|id=' + ticket + '}}';
PermRep = '\n|Permission={{OTRS received|id=' + ticket + '}}';
summary += '{{[[Template:OTRS received|OTRS received]]}}';
default :
mw.notify( 'There was an error processing your request.\n\n\t\t\t\t\tPlease try again.',
{ title: 'Error!', autoHide: false } );
summary += ' using [[User:Technical 13/Scripts/helpOTRS|helpOTRS]].';
var rOTRS = new RegExp( /\{\{Otrs[_ ]pending\}\}/i );
if ( rOTRS.test( txt ) ) {
txt = txt.replace( rOTRS, OtrsRep );
} else {
var rPermission = new RegExp( /\n\| *Permission[ \t]*=.*/i );
if ( rPermission.test( txt ) ) {
txt = txt.replace( rPermission, PermRep );
} else {
mw.notify( 'No suitable place found to insert template!',
{ title: 'Error!', autoHide: false } );
new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'edit', {
action: 'edit',
pageid: pageid,
text: txt,
summary: summary
} ).done( function( endResult ) {
mw.notify( '"' + doAction + '" was posted. Reloading page.',
{ title: 'Done!', autoHide: false } );
} );
} );
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 6 ) {
var perm = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '#', 'OTRSpermission' );
$( perm ).click( function ( e ) {
processResult( 'perm' );
} );
var queued = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '#', 'Queued OTRS' );
$( queued ).click( function ( e ) {
processResult( 'queued' );
} );
var received = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '#', 'Received OTRS' );
$( received ).click( function ( e ) {
processResult( 'received' );
} );
} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );