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User:Zocky/Picture Popups

Zocky's javascript tools

Picture popups is a Javascript tool which makes clicking on image thumbnails work As Nature Intended. Normally, clicking on a thumbnail takes you to the image page with the large version of the image and information about it. With Picture Popups, the image, its caption and licensing information are displayed in a popup window inside the article page. users



[Screenshot needed]

See images without leaving the article you are reading
Licensing information
HTML/CSS popups
Enlarge images in place



Currently, the tool works in Firefox and Mozilla. In Opera, it works with some quirks: minimizing works incorrectly and copyright information is not displayed. I am looking into making it work in Internet Explorer.



Edit your vector.js and paste in this line:

// [[User:Zocky/PicturePopupsVector.js]]

By default, popups display 800×600 pixel images. To change this to e.g. 640×480, add the following lines:

window.picturePopupsWidth = 640;
window.picturePopupsHeight = 480;

Clear your browser's cache and when you click an image thumbnail, a picture popup should appear.

To install the script on the commons or wiktionary, repeat this procedure on those wikis.

To uninstall the script, delete those lines from your javascript file and clear your browser's cache.

Other skins


You have to create (or edit) a file in your userspace. For most people who don't use vector, this file is called User:USERNAME/monobook.js where you should replace USERNAME with your username. Note that the case is important here: it's monobook.js and not Monobook.js.

(People using the classic skin should edit standard.js instead, and people using other skins probably know which file to edit :-)

Edit that page and paste in this line:


Clear your browser's cache and when you click an image thumbnail, a picture popup should appear.

To install the script on the commons or wiktionary, repeat this procedure on those wikis.