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Wikipedia:WikiProject Guild of Copy Editors/Backlog elimination drives/January 2024/Barnstars

Please note: Baffle gab1978 and Miniapolis have placed a standing order, as of March 2014, saying that they prefer not to receive Blitz or Drive barnstars. – Jonesey95 (talk) 01:10, 20 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]


  • Gold Star Award Leaderboard
1 2 3 4 5
Jayowyn (34)Green tickY Mox Eden (32)Green tickY Lfstevens (30)Green tickY Jonathanischoice (29)Green tickY That Tired Tarantula (24)Green tickY
Words[n 1]
Jayowyn (105,735)Green tickY Mox Eden (82,169)Green tickY Lfstevens (73,659)Green tickY Dhtwiki (57,963)Green tickY Miniapolis (51,663)Green tickY
Articles[n 2]
Jayowyn (10)Green tickY Dhtwiki (8)Green tickY Mox Eden (7)Green tickY Lfstevens (6)Green tickY Miniapolis (4)Green tickY
GraziePrego (4)Green tickY
Articles[n 3]
Jayowyn (31)Green tickY Miniapolis (19)Green tickY Lfstevens (17)Green tickY Reidgreg (13)Green tickY Dhtwiki (10)Green tickY
GraziePrego (10)Green tickY
Article[n 1][n 4]
Dhtwiki (31,878)Green tickY Jayowyn (13,647)Green tickY Lfstevens (12,384)Green tickY Baffle gab1978 (12,010)Green tickY Mox Eden (11,679)Green tickY
  1. ^ a b For requests and older articles, please include only the actual word count, without the 50% bonus.
  2. ^ Number of articles of 5,000 words or more. An article of 10K+ words counts as 2, of 15K+ as 3, and so on.
  3. ^ Oldest articles are those tagged through December 2022.
  4. ^ The number of words in the longest article you copy edited. Only one entry for any editor.


Name Raw total Bonus total Old rollover total (DO NOT USE FOR MARCH) Grand total New rollover total (USE THIS NUMBER FOR MARCH) Article count Old article count Largest article 5k article count Word count award
Miniapolis (talk) 51663 25831.5 3248 80742.5 742.5 19 19 7646 4 Order of Superior ScribeGreen tickY
Mox Eden (talk) 82169 13084.5 14228 109481.5 9481.5 32 0 11679 7 Most Excellent CaretakerGreen tickY
That Tired Tarantula (talk) 20507 1210 6167 27884 7884 24 1 2420 0 Tireless ContributorGreen tickY
Dhtwiki (talk) 57963 28981.5 7414 94358.5 14358.5 11 10 31878 8 Order of Superior ScribeGreen tickY
Tenryuu (talk) 18095 9047.5 9714 36856.5 6856.5 5 5 7357 1 Old school LOCEGreen tickY
Wracking (talk) 10285 5142.5 26 15453.5 3453.5 4 2 5386 1 CleanupGreen tickY
Baffle gab1978 (talk) 33766 16883 17118 67767 7767 8 0 12010 3 DiligenceGreen tickY
Geardona (talk) 27606 3964 0 31570 1570 9 5 9800 2 Old school LOCEGreen tickY
Jayowyn (talk) 105835 50701 378 156914 56914 34 31 13647 10 Most Excellent CaretakerGreen tickY
Reidgreg (talk) 7875 3863.5 2689 14427.5 2427.5 15 13 2189 0 CleanupGreen tickY
EphemeralPerpetuals (talk) 566 0 0 566 566 1 0 566 0 MinorGreen tickY
Annwfwn (talk) 378 0 2238 2616 2616 1 0 378 0 MinorGreen tickY
Ecoevergreen (talk) 1922 0 0 1922 1922 3 0 932 0 MinorGreen tickY
Lfstevens (talk) 76978 20270.5 14273 111521.5 11521.5 30 17 12384 6 Most Excellent CaretakerGreen tickY
Grungaloo (talk) 16998 0 4598 21596 1596 12 0 3095 0 Tireless ContributorGreen tickY
Dr vulpes (talk) 78 0 0 78 78 1 0 78 0 MinorGreen tickY
Goodlucksil (talk) 6011 0 0 6011 2011 2 0 3538 0 ModestGreen tickY
Reconrabbit (talk) 13956 0 0 13956 1956 7 0 6068 1 CleanupGreen tickY
Lacanthrope (talk) 632 0 0 632 632 1 0 632 0 MinorGreen tickY
Liu1126 (talk) 1076 0 2169 3245 3245 1 0 1076 0 MinorGreen tickY
GraziePrego (talk) 34006 17003 114 51123 11123 10 10 10598 4 Modern GOCEGreen tickY
You-are-my-armour (talk) 921 460.5 0 1381.5 1381.5 3 0 629 0 MinorGreen tickY
Paintflakes (talk) 2399 1199.5 0 3598.5 3598.5 1 1 2399 0 MinorGreen tickY
Spinney Hill (talk) 7523 3761.5 0 11284.5 3284.5 3 2 3638 0 Working WikipedianGreen tickY
Flux55 (talk) 2752 0 0 2752 2752 3 0 2279 0 MinorGreen tickY
Contrawwftw (talk) 7873 0 3185 11058 3058 5 0 5099 1 Working WikipedianGreen tickY
Jonathanischoice (talk) 15490 2784 0 18274 6274 29 6 3612 0 CleanupGreen tickY
Rublamb (talk) 3217 1608.5 4256 9081.5 1081.5 2 2 2385 0 Working WikipedianGreen tickY
SmileySnail (talk) 12622 6311 3436 22369 2369 4 4 8878 1 Tireless ContributorGreen tickY
Urban Versis 32 (talk) 505 0 0 505 505 1 0 505 0 MinorGreen tickY
Pksois23 (talk) 3498 0 906 4404 404 8 0 1493 0 ModestGreen tickY
Jonesey95 (talk) 2069 1034.5 2952 6055.5 2055.5 1 0 2069 0 ModestGreen tickY
Totals 626,729 0 0 0 0 289 128 0 49 n/a