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A large new edition of Wikizine is out: "Year: 2009 Week: 29 Number: 108". It includes news about the LiquidThreads extension, various Wikimedia Foundation announcements and goings-on, privacy issues with traffic analysis services that were installed on two Wikipedias, a Wikimedia Canada meeting and Wiki-Conference New York, and more.
According to an article in MIT's Technology Review, "Wikipedia Gets Ready for a Video Upgrade", Wikipedia will see dramatic improvements in video capabilities rolled out within the next few months.
On the Commons-l mailing list, Casey Brown described the article:
They just put together all of the mini-updates about Michael Dale/Kaltura's
work that we've been getting for months now.
- public svn
- lots of wikitech-l/commons-l/foundation-l notes
The article just put all the snippets together into a solid update for people outside our community. :-)
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