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Zhang Song

Zhang Song
(under Liu Zhang)
In office
? (?)–213 (213)
Personal details
Chengdu, Sichuan
Childrenat least one son
  • Zhang Su (brother)
  • Zhang Biao (nephew/adopted son)
OccupationOfficial, adviser
Courtesy nameZiqiao (子喬)

Zhang Song (died January or February 213,[a][1] courtesy name Ziqiao, was an official and adviser serving under the warlord Liu Zhang during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China.



Zhang Song was from Shu Commandery (蜀郡), which is located within present-day Chengdu, Sichuan. Later, he started his career as an adviser to Liu Zhang, the Governor of Yi Province during the Eastern Han dynasty. His appointment was Aide-de-camp (別駕從事).[2]

During the late 208, Zhang Song's received his first mission when Liu Zhang sends him after his brother Zhang Su (張肅) as an emissary to Cao Cao. At this time, Cao Cao already had conquered the majority of Jing Province and driven off Liu Bei at the battle of Changban and so didn't employ Zhang Song which greatly angered him.[3] The Han Jin Chunqiu (漢晉春秋) add some precision, that when they met, Cao Cao was condescending towards Zhang Song and didn't show any interest in him. Because of this attitude, when he returned Zhang Song advised Liu Zhang to cut his relation with Cao Cao.[4]

Following this, Cao Cao lost the battle of Chibi and many of his men died from disease. When Zhang Song returned, he harshly criticized Cao Cao and advised Liu Zhang to sever his relation with Cao Cao unilaterally. However, he encouraged him to establish friendly relation with Liu Bei advocating that they were from the same clan. Liu Zhang agreed to his proposal and had Fa Zheng sent to begin talks with Liu Bei. Not long after, along with Meng Da. Fa Zheng was ordered to lead several thousand soldiers to help Liu Bei in his defence of Jing. Fa Zheng afterwards was called back.[5]

Around 211, when Liu Zhang received news that Cao Cao, the warlord who controlled the Han central government and the figurehead Emperor Xian, was planning to attack Zhang Lu, another warlord in the neighbouring Hanzhong Commandery, he became fearful that Cao Cao would attack Yi Province after defeating Zhang Lu. During this time, Zhang Song advised Liu Zhang to invite Liu Bei to lead his troops into Yi Province and help Liu Zhang deal with Zhang Lu. Zhang Song told him: "Cao Cao's armies are strong and without a match in the empire. If he was able to use Zhang Lu's grain stores and launch an invasion of Yi province, who could stop him." Liu Zhang answered that he was worried but without a plan. Zhang Song answered: "Liu Bei is of the same clan as you and he is an unstoppable rival of Cao Cao. He commands troops with talent. If we used him to conquer Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu would surely be defeated. With Zhang Lu vanquished, Yi province would be safe and even if Cao Cao were to come, he would be defeated."[6]

Some time passed and Zhang Song again pressed Liu Zhang. :

“In the whole province, Pang Xi along with Li Yi and the other officials act in arrogant and haughty way because of their achievements. Soon they will have more ambition than they should. If you don't obtain the support of the General Liu Bei then we risk to be surrounded by enemies outside and traitors inside. Then the situation would be awful and defeat near.”[7]

Liu Zhang heeded Zhang Song's advice and ordered his subordinate Fa Zheng to lead 4,000 men to welcome Liu Bei into Yi Province, in addition to presenting Liu Bei with several precious gifts. He did this against the advice of Huang Quan and the remonstrations of the attendant Wang Lei (王累) from Guanghan (廣漢), who hanged himself at the city gate in protest. However, Liu Zhang didn't listen to any of them and even ordered the different places to supply Liu Bei's army.[8]

Liu Bei led thousands of his troops into Yi Province and met Liu Zhang at Fu County (涪縣; present-day Mianyang, Sichuan). He also met Zhang Song and Fa Zheng who privately disapproved of Liu Zhang's governance and looked at Liu Bei as a solution for a legitimate successor. When Liu Bei met them, he welcomed them warmly and treated them with kindness. He used this opportunity to learn more about crucial information about Yi Province such as geography, supplies and deployment of military forces. Zhang Song even drew a map of Yi Province and gave it to Liu Bei. As time passed, Zhang Song conceived the idea of betraying Liu Zhang and helping Liu Bei seize control of Yi Province from Liu Zhang, so he contacted Fa Zheng, who agreed to join him. With their help, Liu Bei learned all about Yi province. Liu Zhang invited Liu Bei to join him in Yi Province to capture Hanzhong Commandery before Cao Cao did.[9][10]

Liu Bei led an expedition force of several ten thousands soldiers into Yi Province after leaving behind Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun to guard Jing Province. Liu Zhang welcomed Liu Bei, when they saw each other, both of them were friendly. Before this Zhang Song told Fa Zheng to report to Liu Bei, that with the counsellor Pang Tong backing, they could ambush Liu Zhang at the meeting spot. However Liu Bei thought that the plan was too hasty for such an important act.[11]

At the beginning of the year 213,[1] Fa Zheng, Zhang Song and Meng Da set into motion their plan but they worried that Liu Bei would leave. They said to him that now that success is near, how could he give up and leave. At this time, Zhang Song's brother Zhang Su (張肅), found out about his brother's plot and secret communications with Liu Bei. Afraid of being implicated, Zhang Su secretly reported his brother's plot to Liu Zhang, who had Zhang Song arrested and executed and ordered his officers guarding the passes to Chengdu to keep secret documents and letters to Liu Bei. When Liu Bei heard about Zhang Song's death, he exclaimed, "Junjiao[b] killed my spy!"[12]



Zhang Song's elder brother Zhang Su (張肅) whose courtesy name was Junjiao (君矯) was also from Shu Commandery (蜀郡). When he was sent as an emissary to Cao Cao previously to Zhang Song, he impressed him and was appointed as Administrator of Guanghan (廣漢太守). Both brothers looked very different from each other as Zhang Su was a tall man with an imposing and majestuous appearance while Zhang Song was a rather short man who did not exercise restraint and was known as debauched. However, Zhang Song was also a very knowledgeable man with a good discernment hence he possessed talent and ability. When Liu Zhang sent him to Cao Cao, Cao Cao wasn't polite to him. But the master of records Yang Xiu deeply respected him. And even recommended Cao Cao to have Zhang Song joined his personal staff but Cao Cao didn't listen to him. When Yang Xiu showed him the military books that Cao Cao had written, Zhang Song quickly had all of them read and memorized them through and through. After this event, Yang Xiu esteemed him even more.[13]

Zhang Biao (張表), whose courtesy name was Boda (伯達) was chosen to administer the south after Ma Zhong.[c] At first, Zhang Biao was the son of Zhang Su, but when Liu Bei conquered Yi province, he refused to employ Zhang Su and hated him greatly for his role in Zhang Song's death. Since Zhang Song's children were killed by association with him when Liu Zhang discovered his intrigue, Liu Bei had Zhang Biao posthumously adopted by Zhang Song to continue his line.[14]

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms


In the 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Song is portrayed as a short, buck-toothed man with a short nose, who does not command respect for his ugly looks. In the novel, his courtesy name is Yongnian (永年).

Liu Zhang sends Zhang Song as an envoy to meet Cao Cao. He brings with him a map of Yi Province and hopes to present it to Cao Cao and aid him in conquering Yi Province from Liu Zhang. However, Cao Cao dislikes Zhang Song for his appearance and treats him rudely. In retaliation, Zhang Song makes sarcastic remarks to humiliate Cao Cao, who orders his men to beat up Zhang Song and chase him away.

Zhang Song is deeply upset by Cao Cao's attitude towards him so he leaves for Jing Province and meets Liu Bei along the way. Liu Bei treats Zhang Song like an honoured guest. Zhang Song is so impressed with Liu Bei's hospitality that he presents the map to Liu Bei and urges him to conquer Yi Province from Liu Zhang. He also introduces his colleagues Fa Zheng and Meng Da to Liu Bei and tells him that they will aid him in defeating Liu Zhang.

Zhang Song is executed by Liu Zhang after the latter discovers that he is plotting against him.

See also



  1. ^ a b The 17th year of the Jian'an era ended on 8 February 213 in the Julian calendar. Zhang Song's execution is one of the last recorded events of the year. Thus, Zhang Song likely died in January or February 213.
  2. ^ Junjiao (君矯) was the courtesy name of Zhang Song's brother, Zhang Su.
  3. ^ More informations about him can be found into Ma Zhong and Huo Yi's biographies.


  1. ^ a b Sima (1084), vol. 66.
  2. ^ (璋復遣別駕從事蜀郡張肅送叟兵三百人並雜御物於曹公,曹公拜肅為廣漢太守。) Sanguozhi vol. 31.
  3. ^ (璋復遣別駕張松詣曹公,曹公時已定荊州,走先主,不復存錄松,松以此怨。) Sanguozhi vol. 31.
  4. ^ (《漢書春秋》曰:張松見曹公,曹公方自矜伐,不存錄松。松歸,乃勸璋自絕。) Sanguozhi vol. 31.
  5. ^ (會曹公軍不利於赤壁,兼以疫死。松還,疵毀曹公,勸璋自絕,因說璋曰:「劉豫州,使君之肺腑,可與交通。」璋皆然之,遣法正連好先主,尋又令正及孟達送兵數千助先主守禦,正遂還。) Sanguozhi vol. 31.
  6. ^ (十六年,益州牧劉璋遙聞曹公將遣鍾繇等向漢中討張魯,內懷恐懼。別駕從事蜀郡張松說璋曰:「曹公兵強無敵於天下,若因張魯之資以取蜀土,誰能御之者乎?」璋曰:「吾固憂之而未有計。」松曰:「劉豫州,使君之宗室而曹公之深讎也,善用兵,若使之討魯,魯必破。魯破,則益州強,曹公雖來,無能為也。」) Sanguozhi vol. 32.
  7. ^ (後松復說璋曰:「今州中諸將龐羲、李異等皆恃功驕豪,欲有外意,不得豫州,則敵攻其外,民攻其內,必敗之道也。」) Sanguozhi vol. 31.
  8. ^ (璋又從之,遣法正請先主。璋主簿黃權陳其利害,從事廣漢王累自倒縣於州門以諫,璋一無所納,敕在所供奉先主,先主入境如歸。) Sanguozhi vol. 31.
  9. ^ (璋然之,遣法正將四千人迎先主,前後賂遺以巨億計。正因陳益州可取之策。) Sanguozhi vol. 32.
  10. ^ (〈《吳書》曰:備前見張松,後得法正,皆厚以恩意接納,盡其殷勤之歡。因問蜀中闊狹,兵器府庫人馬眾寡,及諸要害道里遠近,松等具言之,又畫地圖山川處所,由是盡知益州虛實也。〉) Wu Shu annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 32.
  11. ^ (先主留諸葛亮、關羽等據荊州,將步卒數萬人入益州。至涪,璋自出迎,相見甚歡。張松令法正白先主,及謀臣龐統進說,便可於會所襲璋。先主曰:「此大事也,不可倉卒。」) Sanguozhi vol. 32.
  12. ^ (張松書與先主及法正曰:「今大事垂可立,如何釋此去乎!」松兄廣漢太守肅,懼禍逮己,白璋發其謀。於是璋收斬松,嫌隙始構矣。 璋敕關戍諸將文書勿複關通先主。) Sanguozhi vol. 32.
  13. ^ (《益部耆舊雜記》曰:張肅有威儀,容貌甚偉。松為人短小,放蕩不治節操,然識達精果,有才幹。劉璋遣詣曹公,曹公不甚禮;公主簿楊脩深器之,白公闢松,公不納。脩以公所撰兵書示松,松宴飲之間一看便闇誦。脩以此益異之。) Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan
  14. ^ (《華陽國志校補圖注·卷十一·原附士女目錄一卷》注71:張表,本書見《南中志》(卷四4章之注3),《三國志》見《楊戲傳》與《馬忠傳》裴松之注云:「《益部耆舊傳》曰:『張表,肅子也。』《華陽國志》云:『表,張松子』未詳。」今按:表蓋肅之子,為松後者。肅以告密於劉璋,殺弟松,為劉先主所恨,廢黜不用。松無子,先主以表承其嗣。)