Not to be confused with the commutator of two square matrices and in ring theory.
In mathematics, especially in linear algebra and matrix theory, the commutation matrix is used for transforming the vectorized form of a matrix into the vectorized form of its transpose. Specifically, the commutation matrix K(m,n) is the nm × mnpermutation matrix which, for any m × n matrix A, transforms vec(A) into vec(AT):
K(m,n) vec(A) = vec(AT) .
Here vec(A) is the mn × 1 column vector obtain by stacking the columns of A on top of one another:
where A = [Ai,j]. In other words, vec(A) is the vector obtained by vectorizing A in column-major order. Similarly, vec(AT) is the vector obtaining by vectorizing A in row-major order. The cycles and other properties of this permutation have been heavily studied for in-place matrix transposition algorithms.
The commutation matrix is a special type of permutation matrix, and is therefore orthogonal. In particular, K(m,n) is equal to , where is the permutation over for which
The determinant of K(m,n) is .
Replacing A with AT in the definition of the commutation matrix shows that K(m,n) = (K(n,m))T. Therefore, in the special case of m = n the commutation matrix is an involution and symmetric.
The main use of the commutation matrix, and the source of its name, is to commute the Kronecker product: for every m × n matrix A and every r × q matrix B,
This property is often used in developing the higher order statistics of Wishart covariance matrices.[2]
The case of n=q=1 for the above equation states that for any column vectors v,w of sizes m,r respectively,
This property is the reason that this matrix is referred to as the "swap operator" in the context of quantum information theory.
Two explicit forms for the commutation matrix are as follows: if er,j denotes the j-th canonical vector of dimension r (i.e. the vector with 1 in the j-th coordinate and 0 elsewhere) then
The commutation matrix may be expressed as the following block matrix:
Where the p,q entry of n x m block-matrix Ki,j is given by
importnumpyasnpdefcomm_mat(m,n):# determine permutation applied by Kw=np.arange(m*n).reshape((m,n),order="F").T.ravel(order="F")# apply this permutation to the rows (i.e. to each column) of identity matrix and return resultreturnnp.eye(m*n)[w,:]
Alternatively, a version without imports:
# Kronecker deltadefdelta(i,j):returnint(i==j)defcomm_mat(m,n):# determine permutation applied by Kv=[m*j+iforiinrange(m)forjinrange(n)]# apply this permutation to the rows (i.e. to each column) of identity matrixI=[[delta(i,j)forjinrange(m*n)]foriinrange(m*n)]return[I[i]foriinv]
functionP=com_mat(m, n)% determine permutation applied by KA=reshape(1:m*n,m,n);v=reshape(A',1,[]);% apply this permutation to the rows (i.e. to each column) of identity matrixP=eye(m*n);P=P(v,:);