for every nonnegative vector (where the inequalities should be understood coordinate-wise). Some authors do not require A to be symmetric.[1] The collection of all copositive matrices is a proper cone;[2] it includes as a subset the collection of real positive-definite matrices.
Copositive matrices find applications in economics, operations research, and statistics.
It is easy to see that the sum of two copositive matrices is a copositive matrix. More generally, any conical combination of copositive matrices is copositive.
Every copositive matrix of order less than 5 can be expressed as the sum of a positive semidefinite matrix and a nonnegative matrix.[4] A counterexample for order 5 is given by a copositive matrix known as Horn-matrix:[5]
The class of copositive matrices can be characterized using principal submatrices. One such characterization is due to Wilfred Kaplan:[6]
A real symmetric matrix A is copositive if and only if every principal submatrixB of A has no eigenvector v > 0 with associated eigenvalue λ < 0.
Several other characterizations are presented in a survey by Ikramov,[3] including:
Assume that all the off-diagonal entries of a real symmetric matrix A are nonpositive. Then A is copositive if and only if it is positive semidefinite.
The problem of deciding whether a matrix is copositive is co-NP-complete.[7]
^Schweighofer, Markus; Vargas, Luis Felipe (19 October 2023). "Sum-of-squares certificates for copositivity via test states". arXiv:2310.12853 [math.AG].