Period of geologic time within the Middle Miocene epoch
The Laventan (Spanish : Laventense ) age is a period of geologic time (13.8 to 11.8 Ma ) within the Middle Miocene epoch of the Neogene , used more specifically within the SALMA classification in South America. It follows the Colloncuran and precedes the Mayoan age.[ 1] [ 2]
The age is named after the Miocene Lagerstätte La Venta , where a rich biodiversity from the Middle Miocene has been recovered from the Honda Group .[ 2]
Locations of Laventan formations
lesser bulldog bat (Noctilio albiventris ), LaVal's disk-winged bat (Thyroptera lavali ), Spix's disk-winged bat (Thyroptera tricolor ), Acarechimys minutissimus , Anachlysictis gracilis , Anadasypus hondanus , Aotus dindensis , Boreostemma acostae , B. gigantea , Brievabradys laventensis , Cebupithecia sarmientoi , Dukecynus magnus , Eodolichotis elachys , E. maddeni , Glossotheriopsis pascuali , Granastrapotherium snorki , Hilarcotherium castanedaii , Hondadelphys fieldsi , Hondathentes cazador , Huilabradys magdaleniensis , Huilatherium pluriplicatum , Kiotomops lopezi , Lagonimico conclucatus , Lycopsis longirostrus , Megadolodus molariformis , Micodon kiotensis , Micoureus laventicus , Microscleromys cribiphilus , M. paradoxalis , Microsteiromys jacobsi , Miocallicebus villaviejai , Miocochilius anomopodus , Mohanamico hershkovitzi , Mormopterus colombiensis , Nanoastegotherium prostatum , Neoglyptatelus originalis , Neonematherium flabellatum , Neoreomys huilensis , Neotamandua borealis , Notonycteris magdalenensis , N. sucharadeus , Nuciruptor rubricae , Pachybiotherium minor , Palynephyllum antimaster , Patasola magdalenae , Pedrolypeutes praecursor , Pericotoxodon platignathus , Pithiculites chenche , Potamops mascahehenes , Potamosiren magdalenensis , Prodolichotis guerreroi , P. pridiana , Prolicaphrium sanalfolsensis , Prothoatherium colombianus , Pseudoprepotherium confusum , Rhodanodolichotis antepridiana , R. vucetichae , Ricardomys longidens , Saimiri annectens , S. fieldsi , Scleromys colombianus , S. schurmanni , Scirrotherium hondaensis , Stirtonia tatacoensis , S. victoriae , Thylamys colombianus , Thylamys minutus , Thyroptera robusta , Villarroelia totoyoi , Xenastrapotherium kraglievichi , Cochilius sp. , Diclidurus sp. , Eumops sp. , Hapalops sp. , Olenopsis sp. , Theosodon sp. , ?Steiromys sp. , Dolichotinae sp. , ?Echimyidae sp. , Megalonychidae sp. , Megatheriinae sp. , Nothrotheriinae sp. , Dasypodidae sp. , Leontiniidae sp. , Proterotheriidae indet. , Toxodontidae sp.
Honda Group Colombia
Acyon myctoderos , Australogale leptognathus , Chimeralestes ambiguus , Guiomys unica , Hapalops angustipalatus , Hemihegetotherium trilobus , Hiskatherium saintandrei , Hondalagus altiplanensis , Lakukullus anatisrostratus , Mesoprocta hypsodus , Miocochilius federicoi , Palaeothentes relictus , P. serratus , Propalaehoplophorus andinus , Quebradahondomys potosiensis , Acarechimys sp. , cf. Paratrigodon sp. , Prolagostomus sp. , cf. Prozaedyus sp. , Lagostominae indet. , Mesotheriinae indet. , Borhyaenidae indet. , Caenolestidae indet. , Capromyidae indet. , Caviidae indet. , Chinchillidae indet. , Echimyidae indet. , Euphractinae indet. , Macraucheniidae indet. , Octodontidae indet. , Proterotheriidae indet. , ? Xenastrapotherium indet.
Honda Group Bolivia
Nesodon taweretus , cf. Astrapotherium sp. , cf. Theosodon sp. , Lomaphorini indet. , Mylodontinae indet. , Propalaehoplophorinae indet. , Toxodontidae indet.
Microtypotherium choquecotense , Prozaedyus sp. , Chinchillidae indet. , Glyptodontidae indet. , Hegetotheriidae indet.
Heteropsomyinae (aff. Acarechimys) sp. , Dasyproctidae (aff. Alloiomys) sp. , Prolagostomus sp. , Caviomorpha indet. , Dasypodidae indet. , Typotheria indet.
Drytomomys cf. aequatorialis , Granastrapotherium cf. snorki , Miocochilius anomopodus , Neoglyptatelus originalis , Parapropalaehoplophorus septentrionalis , Pericotoxodon cf. platignathus , Potamarchus murinus , cf. Theosodon sp. , Acarechimys sp. , Boreostemma sp. , Megathericulus sp. , cf. Tetramerorhinus sp. , Urumacotherium sp. , Xenastrapotherium sp. , Borhyaenoidea indet. , Delphinida indet. , Glyptodontidae indet. , Macraucheniidae indet. , Megalonychidae indet. , Mylodontidae indet. , Octodontoidea indet. , Potamarchinae indet. , Uruguaytheriinae indet.
Pontistes rectifrons , Prionodelphis rovereti , Properiptychus argentinus , Protautoga longidens , cf. Balaenoptera sp. , Chrysophrys sp. , Dioplotherium sp. , Balaenidae indet. , Physeteridae indet. , Sciaenidae indet. , ?Sparidae indet.
Dinomyidae indet. , ? Octodontoidea indet.
Boreostemma venezolensis
Santa Inés
Neoglyptatelus sincelejanus
Mirandabradys socorrensis , Megatheriidae indet.
cf. Olenopsis sp. , Mylodontidae indet.
Aramus paludigrus , Galbula hylochoreutes , Hoazinoides magdalenae
Honda Group Colombia
Psilopteridae indet.
Pygoscelis calderensis , Spheniscus megaramphus , S. urbinai , Pelagornis sp. , aff. Thalassarche sp.
Bahía Inglesa
Pelagornis cf. chilensis
Reptiles & amphibians
cane toad (Bufo marinus ), Chelus colombiana , Chelonoidis hesterna , Colombophis portai , Dracaena colombiana , ?Eunectes stirtoni , Podocnemis medemi , Gryposuchus colombianus , Langstonia huilensis , Purussaurus neivensis , Balanerodus logimus , Charactosuchus fieldsi , Mourasuchus atopus , Eocaiman sp. , Gavialis sp. , Sebecus sp. , Alligatoridae indet.
Honda Group Colombia
Crocodylia sp.
Bairdemys thalassica
Barinasuchus arveloi
Caiman wannlangstoni , Gnatusuchus pebasensis , Gryposuchus pachakamue , Purussaurus neivensis , Kuttanacaiman iquitosensis , Mourasuchus atopus , Paleosuchus sp. , Podocnemis sp. , Gavialoidea indet.
Colombophis spinosus , Ikanogavialis gameroi , Caiman sp. , Mourasuchus sp. , Purussaurus sp. , Thecachampsa sp. , Alethinophidia indet. , Boinae indet.
Globidentosuchus cf. brachyrostris , Caiman sp. , Mourasuchus sp. , Purussaurus sp.
Fishes & crustaceans
Colossoma macropomum , Lepidosiren paradoxa , cf. Acanthicus , Arapaima sp. , Brachyplatystoma cf. B. vaillanti , Brachyplatystoma promagdalena , Sylviocarcinus piriformis , cf. Corydoras sp. , Hoplias sp. , cf. Hoplosternum sp. , Hydrolycus sp. , Phractocephalus hemioliopterus , Serrasalmus sp. , Pygocentrus sp. , or Pristobrycon sp. (cf. Myletes sp. ), Ariidae indet. , Characidae cf. Tetragonopterinae , Cichlidae indet. , Doradidae indet. , Loricariidae indet. , Potamotrygonidae indet.
Honda Group Colombia
Megalodon , Carcharias acutissima , Carcharodon hastalis , Galeocerdo aduncus , Hemipristis serra , Carcharhinus sp. , Heterodontus sp. , Squalus sp. , Squatina sp. , Dasyatidae indet. , Myliobatoidea indet. , Potamotrygonidae indet.
cf. Hydrolycus sp. , Leporinus sp. , Potamotrygon sp. , Pristis sp. , Anostomidae indet.
Megalodon , Aetobatus arcuatus , Hemipristis serra , Mugil cephalus , Carcharhinus sp. , Citharichthys sp. , Galeocerdo sp. , Rhinoptera sp. , Sphyrna sp. , Symphurus sp.
Macroteleia yaguarum , Sycorax peruensis
Astroniumxylon parabalansae , Piptadenioxylon paraexcelsa , Solanumxylon paranensis
The Laventan (13.8 to 11.8 Ma) correlates with:
^ "Laventan" . The Paleobiology Database . Archived from the original on 2012-10-12.
^ a b Madden et al. 1997
^ Villarroel A. et al. 1996 , p. 54
^ Marshall & Sempere 1991 , p. 635
^ Forasiepi et al. 2011 , p. 149
^ Le Roux et al. 2016 , p. 46
^ Penín Cendón & Villarroel Estaba 2005 , p. 138
^ Marshall & Sempere 1991 , p. 636
^ Utgé et al. 2009 [page needed ]
^ a b Antoine et al. 2016 , p. 56
^ Martín Pérez 2013 , p. 51
^ Wesselingh et al. 2006 , p. 304
^ Brand et al. 2011 [page needed ]
^ Simpson 1947 , p. 2
^ a b Villarroel A. & Clavijo 2005 , p. 348
^ Linares 2004 , p. 5
^ Linares 2004 , p. 16
^ Croft, 2007, p.299
^ Croft, 2007, p.300
^ Croft, 2007, p.301
^ Croft, 2007, p.302
^ Croft, 2007, p.303
^ Meldrum & Kay, 1997
^ Organ & Lemelin, 2011
^ Rosenberger et al., 1991
^ Setoguchi & Rosenberger, 1988
^ Setoguchi, 1985
^ Takai et al., 2001
^ Tejedor, 2013, p.22
^ Defler, 2004, p.32
^ Cebupithecia sarmientoi at Fossilworks .org
^ Miocallicebus villaviejai at Fossilworks .org
^ Neosaimiri annectens at Fossilworks .org
^ Stirtonia tatacoensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Stirtonia victoriae at Fossilworks .org
^ Vallejo Pareja et al., 2015
^ Pardo Jaramillo, 2010
^ Granastrapotherium snorki , Sebecus sp. at Fossilworks .org
^ Villarroel, 2000, p.118
^ Kay & Madden, 1997, p.171
^ Neonematherium flabellatum at Fossilworks .org
^ Brievabradys laventensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Huilabradys magdaleniensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Czaplewski et al., 2003, p.278
^ Neotamandua borealis at Fossilworks .org
^ Pseudoprepotherium confusum at Fossilworks .org
^ Anadasypus hondanus at Fossilworks .org
^ Boreostemma acostae at Fossilworks .org
^ Boreostemma gigantea at Fossilworks .org
^ Neoglyptatelus originalis at Fossilworks .org
^ Pedrolypeutes praecursor at Fossilworks .org
^ Scirrotherium hondaensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Prolicaphrium sanalfolsensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Prothoatherium colombianus at Fossilworks .org
^ Duke Locality 33 at Fossilworks .org
^ Villarroelia totoyoi at Fossilworks .org
^ Villarroel, 1997
^ Villarroel et al., 1996, p.63
^ Hoffstetter, 1971, p.40
^ Suárez et al., 2015
^ Marshall, 1976
^ Hondadelphys fieldsi at Fossilworks .org
^ Pachybiotherium minor at Fossilworks .org
^ Thylamys colombianus at Fossilworks .org
^ Thylamys minutus at Fossilworks .org
^ Hondathentes cazador at Fossilworks .org
^ Pithiculites chenche at Fossilworks .org
^ Neoreomys huilensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Rhodanodolichotis antepridiana at Fossilworks .org
^ Scleromys colombianus at Fossilworks .org
^ Scleromys schurmanni at Fossilworks .org
^ Prodolichotis guerreroi at Fossilworks .org
^ UCMP V4936 at Fossilworks .org
^ Eodolichotis elachys at Fossilworks .org
^ Eodolichotis maddeni at Fossilworks .org
^ Rhodanodolichotis vucetichae at Fossilworks .org
^ Takai et al., 1991
^ Kiotomops lopezi at Fossilworks .org
^ Potamops mascahehenes at Fossilworks .org
^ Thyroptera robusta at Fossilworks .org
^ Engelman et al., 2016
^ Pujos et al., 2014
^ Hondalagus at Fossilworks .org
^ Quebrada Honda at Fossilworks .org
^ Engelman et al., 2018
^ Forasiepi et al., 2015
^ a b c Cerro Aisol at Fossilworks .org
^ Choquecota at Fossilworks .org
^ Cerro los Pinos at Fossilworks .org
^ a b IN-DTC-20 at Fossilworks .org
^ IN-DTC-28 at Fossilworks .org
^ IN-DTC-32 at Fossilworks .org
^ Río Sepa at Fossilworks .org
^ SEP 005 at Fossilworks .org
^ IN 008 at Fossilworks .org
^ a b Pueblo Brugo to Diamante at Fossilworks .org
^ a b c CTA-45 at Fossilworks .org
^ Banks of the Rio Guere at Fossilworks .org
^ Calle Fria-Segovia at Fossilworks .org
^ a b South East of 'Cerro los Chivatos' at Fossilworks .org
^ Mirandabradys Urumaco 01 at Fossilworks .org
^ Biozona 1 Loc 44-FU at Fossilworks .org
^ Rasmussen, 1997
^ Miller, 1953
^ Los Dedos at Fossilworks .org
^ Zumbador Cave at Fossilworks .org
^ Estes & Wassersug, 1963
^ Gryposuchus colombianus at Fossilworks .org
^ Sebecus huiensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Dracaena colombiana at Fossilworks .org
^ Purussaurus neivensis at Fossilworks .org
^ Charactosuchus fieldsi at Fossilworks .org
^ Mourasuchus atopus at Fossilworks .org
^ UCMP Locality V4524 at Fossilworks .org
^ Balanerodus logimus at Fossilworks .org
^ Eocaiman at Fossilworks .org
^ Cadena et al., 2008, p.1206
^ De la Fuente et al., 2013, p.102
^ Geochelone hesterna at Fossilworks .org
^ Hsiou et al., 2010
^ (in Spanish) Fauna de La Venta - serpientes
^ Ferreira et al., 2015
^ Salas Gismondi et al., 2015
^ IQ114 at Fossilworks .org
^ Quebrada Honda at Fossilworks .org
^ East of Capirote, road to Quebrada Honda at Fossilworks .org
^ Sur Quebrada Bejucal at Fossilworks .org
^ (in Spanish) Fauna de La Venta - flora, cangrejos y peces
^ Kay & Madden, 1997, p.185
^ Lundberg & Chernoff, 1992, p.5
^ Brachyplatystoma promagdalena at Fossilworks .org
^ Socorro at Fossilworks .org
^ Amazonian amber at Fossilworks .org
^ Toma Vieja at Fossilworks .org
^ Barstovian at Fossilworks .org
^ Clarendonian at Fossilworks .org
^ Astaracian at Fossilworks .org
^ Central Paratethys Stages at Fossilworks .org
^ Badenian at Fossilworks .org
^ [1] Sarmatian] at Fossilworks .org
^ Southland epoch at Fossilworks .org
^ Lillburnian at Fossilworks .org
^ Waiauan at Fossilworks .org
^ Tunggurian at Fossilworks .org
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Honda Group, Colombia
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Honda Group, Bolivia
Croft , Darin A (2007), "The Middle Miocene (Laventan) Quebrada Honda Fauna, southern Bolivia and a description of its Notoungulates", Palaeontology , 50 (1): 277– 303, Bibcode :2007Palgy..50..277C , doi :10.1111/j.1475-4983.2006.00610.x
Engelman, Russell K.; Anaya, Federico; Croft, Darin A. (2018), "Australogale leptognathus , gen. et sp. nov., a second species of small sparassodont (Mammalia: Metatheria) from the middle Miocene locality of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia" , Journal of Mammalian Evolution , vol. in press, retrieved 2018-10-01
Engelman, Russell K.; Anaya, Federico; Croft, Darin A. (2016), "New palaeothentid marsupials (Paucituberculata) from the middle Miocene of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia, and their implications for the palaeoecology, decline and extinction of the Palaeothentoidea" , Journal of Systematic Palaeontology , 15 (10): 787– 820, doi :10.1080/14772019.2016.1240112 , retrieved 2019-02-12
Pujos, François; De Iuliis, Gerardo; Mamani Quispe, Bernardino; Andrade Flores, Ruben (2014), "Lakukullus anatisrostratus , gen. et sp. nov., a new massive nothrotheriid sloth (Xenarthra, Pilosa) from the middle Miocene of Bolivia" , Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology , 34 (5): 1243– 1248, Bibcode :2014JVPal..34.1243P , doi :10.1080/02724634.2014.849716 , hdl :11336/32146 , retrieved 2019-02-12
Aisol Formation
Forasiepi, Analía M.; Cerdeño, Esperanza; Bond, Mariano; Schmidt, Gabriela I.; Naipauer, Maximiliano; Straehl, Fiona R.; Martinelli, Agustín G.; Garrido, Alberto C.; Schmitz and James L. Crowley, Mark D. (2015), "New toxodontid (Notoungulata) from the Early Miocene of Mendoza, Argentina" , Paläontologische Zeitschrift , 89 (3): 611– 634, Bibcode :2015PalZ...89..611F , doi :10.1007/s12542-014-0233-5 , hdl :11336/20443 , retrieved 2019-02-13
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Bahía Inglesa Formation
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Ages Defining formations and sites